Payment of money, limitation, 893.61
Public letting, when required, 61.55, 61.56
Public transportation system for village, tax levy, deductions, 66.061 (2)
  Temporary service when private system abandoned, 66.061 (2) (d)
Public works, letting, 61.54, 66.29
  Validation, 992.17
Recycling or resource recovery facilities, acquisition without bids, 61.57
Validating act, work done in good faith, 66.295
Water service to village, tax levy, deductions, 66.061 (2)
Ballot (spring election), 5.60 (5)
Canvass, 7.53
Caucus, 8.05
Direct legislation, 9.20, 61.342
Dissolution, 61.187 (1)
First after incorporation, 66.019
Nominations, 8.05
Nonpartisan primary, 8.05 (4), (5)
Notice, 10.01 (2)
  By clerk, 10.06 (3)
  Posting, 10.05
Officers, number and appointment, 7.30
  What to be chosen, 61.19
Polling places, 5.25
Primaries, nonpartisan, 8.05 (4), (5)
Special, 8.06
Voting machines or systems, required in populous villages, exception, 5.40
Wards, division into, 5.15
village 7. officers and employes7. Officers and Employes
Actions against, damages, costs, 895.46
  Municipality may pay, 895.35
Appointment or election of officers, 61.19, 61.197
Assessor, certification by department of revenue, 61.27
  Corporate, or independent contractor, 61.197 (1) (f)
  Duties, oath, compensation, 61.27
Bond, form, filing, premium cost, 19.01
  Payment of premium, 19.01 (8)
  Where filed, additional bond, 61.22
Borrowing money, restrictions on, 61.61
Change of term of officers, 61.195
Civil service system, 66.19
Constable, bond, powers, 61.29
Custodian, legal for records, 19.33
  To deliver official record, 19.21
Deferred compensation plan, 40.81, 40.82, 66.04 (2) (b)
Discontinuance or consolidation of offices, referendum, 61.195
Election and appointment, XIII, 9
  Enumeration, 61.19
Emergency interim successors to local officers, 166.08 (5), (6)
Engineer, ethics code, 19.59
  Statute of limitations as to surveys, 893.37
  Survey duties, failure, 59.66
Ethics code, 19.59
Garnishment, 812.23
Ineligible to offices created, 66.11
Interchange of government employes, 230.047
Interim officers when incorporated, 66.019 (3)
Joint health officers, 141.04
Labor disputes, injunctive relief, penalties, civil liability, 111.70 (7m)
  Settlement, 111.70 (4)
Labor negotiator, 111.70 (5)
Law enforcement officers may be candidates, 164.06
Law enforcement officers, training programs, 165.85, 165.86
Malfeasance, 196.68
Marshal, 61.28
Municipal judge, oath and bond, 755.03
  Salary, 755.04
  Term, 755.02
New elective office, filling, 17.245
Nurses, employment, duties, 141.05
Oath, assessors, 61.21
  Where filed, 61.21
Peace officers, police, 61.31
Private interest in public contracts prohibited, 946.13
Pro tem officers, appointment, 61.23
Removal, 17.13
  Procedure, 17.16
Residence required, 61.19
Resignation, 17.01
Salary schedules, automatic, 66.199
Sureties, not to be, to village, 61.22
Term, 61.23
Trustee and county supervisor compatible, 59.03 (4)
Trustee may become president, 61.325
Trustees, election, number, 61.20
  Fence viewers, 90.01
Unions authorized, 111.70