County park commission powers, 27.05 (7)
CSO abatement, financial assistance program, 144.242
DDT, sale and use prohibited, 134.67
Detergents, nondegradable, sale prohibited, 144.14
Dredge disposal in and near Mississippi, St. Croix and Black rivers by U.S. corps of engineers, 30.202
Fish and game law, 29.29 (3)
Forbidden, 29.29
Groundwater protection,
Groundwater, substances in, monitoring, 160.27
Hazardous pollution prevention, 144.955
  Board, 15.155 (5)
  Grants, 560.19
Hazardous waste activity regulated by dept., 144.265
Hearings, procedure, review, 144.975
Income tax, abatement facilities, 71.05 (11)
Injunctions, 144.98
Local water quality planning, 144.235
Mercury discharged into water, regulated, 144.15
Milwaukee river basin, priority watershed designation, management, 144.25 (4)
Municipality, federal and other aid, 66.33
Natural resources department, orders, review, 144.025 (7)
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement, 144.025 (2)
  Financial assistance program, 144.25
Orders, enforcement, 144.99
Penalties, 144.99
Point source pollution abatement, financial assistance program, 144.24
Pollution discharge elimination law:
  Access to monitoring equipment and records, 147.08 (2)
  Alcohol fuel production systems, private, exempt, 147.017
  Compliance schedules, 147.04
  Continuing planning process, department shall establish, 147.25
  Criminal remedies for violations, 147.21
  Definitions, 147.015, 147.06 (2) (b), 147.21 (6)
  Department may sue for compensation for loss, 147.23
  Discharge report, 147.025 (4)
  Effluent limitations, 147.04
  Enforcement, 147.29
  Fact sheet concerning application, 147.10
  Federal standards, 147.035, 147.04, 147.07
  Hearing, mining, 147.135
  Injunction for violations, 147.21
  Liability, unlawful discharge, 147.23
  Mining, hearing, 147.135
  Modifications, 147.04
  Monitoring requirements, 147.08 (1)
  New discharges, report to department, 147.14
  Notice to government agencies as to application, 147.11
  Permits, application, 147.025
  Duration, 147.03 (1)
  General, 147.023
  Groundwater fees, wastewater management fee, 147.033
  Modification, revocation and reissuance, 147.03
  Review, exception, 147.20
  Terms and conditions, 147.02
  Policy and purpose, 147.01
  Pretreatment standards, 147.07 (2)
  Public access to information, 147.12
  Public hearing on permit application, 147.13
  Publicly owned treatment facilities, design of, 147.26
  Public notice as to applications for permits, 147.09
  Reporting requirements, 147.08 (1)
  Requests for information by permittee, 147.105
  Review of permits, decisions, exception, 147.20
  Rules, compliance with federal standards, 147.035 (2)
  Savings clause, 147.27
  Standards of performance, 147.06
  State standards, 147.035
  Thermal effluent limitations, 147.055
  Toxic effluent standards, 147.07 (1)
  Unlawful discharge, liability, 147.23
  Waiver of compliance by dept., 147.018
  Waste treatment service charges, 147.15
  Water quality standard, variances to, 147.05
Pollution of certain lakes (Lake Mendota), 144.05 (1)
Prevention, financial assistance program to municipalities and school districts from state, 144.21
  Platting land requirements, 236.13 (2m)
Reports on pollutants, environmental fee, 144.96
Review of orders, 144.025 (7), 144.975
Sanitary survey, 144.02
Septic tank replacement or rehabilitation, state grants, 144.245
Sewer overflow abatement (combined), financial assistance program, 144.242
  Minority business demonstration and training program, 66.905
Solid waste activity regulated by dept., 144.265
Transportation department activities in connection with highway bridge construction and maintenance, exception, 29.29 (5), 30.12 (4)
Visitorial powers of natural resources department, 144.03
Waste and refuse prohibited, 29.29 (3)
Water supplies, damage to by regulated activity, 144.265