Plug, 134.34 (1)
Plumbing, 145.01
Plumbing apprentice, 145.01
P.O.D. account, 705.01 (8)
P.O.D. beneficiary, 705.01 (9)
Podiatric medicine and surgery, 448.01 (8)
Podiatrist, 448.01 (7)
Podiatry, 448.01 (8)
Point of standards application, 160.01
Point source, 147.015
Police chief, 990.01 (28g)
Police department, 990.01 (28m)
Police officer, 40.02 (48), 990.01 (28r)
Policyholder, 600.03, 645.03 (2)
Policy loan, 632.475 (1)
Policy year, 632.475 (1)
  Committee, 11.01 (4), 199.03 (11)
  Group, 11.01 (10)
  Message, 12.04 (1)
  Party, 5.02 (13)
  Purposes, 11.01 (16), 11.36 (5)
Polling place, 5.02 (15)
Poll list, 5.02 (14)
Pollutant, 147.015
Pollution, 60.70, 144.01, 147.015
Pollution control facilities, 66.521 (2)
Poor person, 46.30 (1)
Poppy straw, 161.01 (18)
Population equivalent, 144.436 (1)
Position, 16.002
Possess, 29.425 (1)
Possession, 86.192 (1m), 93.01
  Under tax deed, 75.31
Postconsumer waste, 159.01
Postconviction relief, 809.30 (1)
Posted, 943.15 (2)
Potatoes, 100.39 (1) (e)
Potentially hazardous food, 97.30 (1)
Pot torch, 340.01 (44)
Poultry, 97.42 (1)
Poultry products, 97.42 (1)
Poverty line, 46.30 (1), 49.43 (9m)
Power, 702.01
  District, 198.01, 198.22
Power of appointment, 72.01
Power of attorney for health care, 155.01
Practical instruction, 440.60
Practical nursing, 441.11
Practice of:
  Architecture, 443.01
  Chiropractic, 446.01 (2)
  Fitting and dealing in hearing aids, 459.01
  Medicine and surgery, 448.01 (9)
  Nurse-midwifery, 441.15
  Nursing home administration, 456.01
  Optometry, 449.01
  Professional engineering, 443.01
  Psychology, 455.01 (5)
Practice veterinary medicine, 453.02
Practicing law, 757.30 (2), (3)
Preceding, 990.01 (30)
Precision, 144.95 (1)
Precomputed, 421.301 (35)
Precomputed loan, 138.09 (7) (a)
Preference, 645.54 (1)
Preferred provider plan, 609.01
Preinoculated seed, 94.38
Preliminary plat, 236.02
Premises of employer, 102.03 (1) (c)
Premium, 600.03
Premium finance agreement, 138.12 (1)
Premiums, 609.98, 646.51
Preneed sales contract, 157.061
Preneed seller, 440.90 (8)
Preneed trust fund, 157.061
Prepaid finance charge, 421.301 (36)
Prepaid maintenance agreement, 779.85 (5)
Prepayment, 136.01 (7), 779.85 (6)
Prescribed drug or device, 450.01
Prescription, 450.01
Prescription drug, 450.01
Prescription order, 450.01