Record date, 180.0103
Recorded, 67.01, 990.01 (36)
Recorded private claim, 236.02
Recorded source, 144.393 (9)
Recording, 75.01, 910.01 (1)
Recording a plat, 236.02
Record of conviction, 343.01 (2)
Records and forms officer, 16.61 (2)
Recovered material, 16.70, 84.078 (1)
Recovery activity, 159.17 (1)
Recreational activity, 895.52 (1), 895.525
Recreational agreement, 895.52 (1)
Recreational boating facilities, 30.92 (1)
Rectifier, 125.02 (16), 139.01
Recuperative care, 46.27 (1), 50.01
Recyclable material, 16.15 (1), 16.70 (11m)
Recycled material, 16.70
Recycled oil, 159.15 (1)
Recycling activity, 159.25 (1)
Redevelopment, 66.405 (3)
  Company, 66.43 (3)
  Corporation, 66.405 (3)
  Plan, 66.43 (3)
  Project, 66.43 (3)
Reduced program, 115.76
Refinery and smelter residue, 107.30
Refining, 107.30
Reflector, 340.01 (49)
Refrigeration equipment, 101.177 (1)
Refund, 71.93
Refund schedule, 647.01
Refusal law, 23.33 (1), 30.50, 350.01 (10r)
Region, 16.11 (2), 560.21
  Credit union, 186.41 (1)
  Facility, 16.11 (2)
  Office, 45.353 (1)
  Savings and loan, 215.36
  Savings and loan holding company, 215.36
  State bank, 221.58
  State bank holding company, 221.58
  States, 186.41 (1), 215.36, 221.58
  Boat, 29.01
  Laboratory, 144.95 (1)
  Learner, 145.01
  Nurse, 146.40, 905.04 (1)
  Professional nurse, 49.498
Registering court, 767.65 (2)
Registering entity, 705.21 (10)
Registration, 30.50, 69.01, 344.01 (2) (e)
  Certificate, 100.03 (1)
  District, 69.01
  List, 5.02 (17)
  Records, 51.30 (1) (a)
  Benefits, 108.141 (1), 108.142 (1)
  Bingo card, 163.03 (13)
  Bingo game, 163.03 (14)
  Education, 115.76
  Housing bed, 301.19 (2) (a)
  Price, 100.18 (2)
  Reserve, 186.01
Regulated activity, 144.265 (1)
Regulated entity, 220.04 (9)
Regulated prepaid maintenance agreement, 779.85 (7)
Regulated release, 146.60 (1)
Regulation, 125.02 (17), 144.26 (2)
Regulation revenues, 79.03 (3) (b)
Regulatory agency, 160.01
Regulatory markers, 30.74 (2)
Rehabilitating, 84.17 (1)
Reinvestment neighborhood area, 66.465 (1)
Related exposition facility, 125.51 (5)
Related material, 100.41 (1)
Relay method, 146.70 (1)
Release, 144.735 (1)
Release into the environment, 146.60 (1)
Relevant evidence, 904.01
Relevant market area, 218.01 (1)
Religious association, 111.32 (12m), 157.061
Remedial procedures, 447.01