Revisor, 35.001, 227.01
Revitalization, 560.081 (1)
Revoke, 440.01
Revoked financial transaction card, 943.41 (1) (h)
Rhodium, 134.33 (1)
Ride sharing, 85.24 (2)
Rifle, 941.28
Right of way, 340.01 (51)
Rights, 401.201
Risk assets, 186.01
Risk purchasing group, 600.03 (41c)
Risk retention group, 600.03 (41e)
River, 30.40
Riverway, 30.40
Road machinery, 340.01 (52)
Roadside, 84.04
Roadside improvement, 84.04
Road tractor, 340.01 (53)
Roadway, 167.31, 340.01 (54)
Room rates, 50.85 (1)
Rough fish, 29.01 (5)
Routinely exposed to any toxic substance, 101.597 (4)
Routine operations, 166.15 (1)
Royalty, 560.165 (1)
Rural municipality, 560.17
Rural planning, 27.015
Rustproofing, 100.205 (1)
Ruthenium, 134.33 (1)
R value, 100.21 (1)
Sadomasochistic abuse, 450.155 (1), 948.01
Safe or safety, 101.01 (2)
Safety glass, 347.43 (3)
Safety glazing material, 101.125 (1)
Safety zone, 340.01 (55)
Sailboard, 30.50
Salary, 11.01 (19)
Salary index, 40.02 (52)
  At retail, 77.51
  Lease or rental, 77.51
  Of services, 421.301 (39)
  On approval, 402.326 (1)
  Or return, 402.326 (1)
  At wholesale, 100.201 (1), 100.30 (2), 100.33 (1)
  Establishment, retail, 159.15 (1)
  Factor, 76.28 (1), 76.48 (1g)
  Finance company, 218.01 (1)
  Price, 77.51
  Tax, 77.51, 77.53 (16)
Salesperson, 452.01 (7)
Salmon, 29.15 (1)
Salvageable by-products, 107.30
Salvage vehicle, 340.01 (55g)
Salvage vehicle purchaser, 340.01 (55r)
Salvaging distressed food, 97.01
Same interest or interests, 108.16 (8) (e) 1
Sanitarian, 140.45 (1)
Sanitary permit, 145.135 (1)
Satellite cable programming, 943.47
Saver, 215.01 (23)
Savings, 186.01
Savings account, 215.01 (24)
Savings and loan holding company, 215.36
Scene of an emergency, 448.03 (4)
Schedule of compliance, 147.015
Schedules, 195.08 (12)
  Administrator, 125.09 (2)
  Age parent, 115.91
  Board, 38.01, 39.41 (1), 121.51
  Bus, 340.01 (56)
  Day, 115.01 (10)
  District administrator, 115.001
  District affected, 117.03
  District clerk, 115.001, 117.22
  Employe, 118.25 (1)
  Lands, 24.01
  Nurse, 115.001
  Premises, 125.09 (2), 948.61
  Tax levies, 79.10 (1)
  Term, 115.001
  Year, 38.01
Scientific institutions, 44.47 (1) (g)
Scrap metal processor, 84.31 (2), 218.20