Screened, 84.31 (2)
Seafood, 29.135
Sealer, 98.01
Seasonably, 401.204
Secondary boycott, 111.02
Secondary guaranteed valuation per member, 121.07 (7)
Secondary party, 403.102
Secondary required levy rate, 121.07 (10)
Secondary shared cost, 121.07 (6)
Secondary voltage extension, 196.495 (5)
Secondhand, 134.71 (1)
Secondhand article dealer, 134.71 (1)
Secondhand jewelry dealer, 134.71 (1)
Secretary, 301.01
Section, 15.01
Secured correctional facility, 48.02 (15m)
Secured creditor, 128.25 (1)
Secure detention facility, 48.02 (16)
Secured party, 409.105 (1), 943.25 (4)
Secure juvenile treatment program, 48.535 (1m)
Secure structure, 101.12 (5)
Securities, 72.28 (1) (b), 184.01
Securities act of 1933, 551.02 (12)
Securities exchange act of 1934, 551.02 (12)
  Account, 705.21 (12)
  Agreement, 409.105 (1), 943.25 (4)
  Holders, 551.23 (12)
  Surplus, 600.03
Segregated fund revenues, 20.001 (2) (d)
  Local, 20.001 (2) (dm)
  Service, 20.001 (2) (da)
Seizure, 94.38
Selected dairy products, 100.201 (1)
Selected provider, 609.01
Self-neglect, 46.90 (1)
Self-service storage facility, 704.90 (1)
  At wholesale, 100.201 (1), 100.30 (2)
  Credit card, 421.301 (41)
  Of checks, 217.02
Selling, 125.02 (20), 139.01
Semitrailer, 340.01 (57)
Semiurban district, 346.57 (1) (b)
Send, 401.201
Sending agency, 48.988, 51.87 (2), 230.047 (2)
Senior citizen community center, 163.03 (14t)
Senior high school, 115.01 (2)
Sentencing, 809.30 (1)
September primary, 5.02 (18)
Septic tank, 146.20 (2)
Serious bodily harm, 969.001 (2)
Serious crime, 949.165, 969.08 (10), 973.03 (5)
Serious health condition, 103.10 (1)
Seriously deteriorating local bridge, 84.18 (2)
Service, 196.01 (7)
  Area, 46.985 (1)
  Contract, 616.71
  Coordination, 46.56 (1)
  Coordination agency, 46.56 (1)
  Coordinator, 46.56 (1)
  Establishment, 159.15 (1)
  Insurance corporation, 600.03
  Office, 45.36 (1)
  Organization, 163.905
  Road, 340.01 (57m)
  Supplier, 146.70 (3)
  System, 46.56 (1)
  User, 146.70 (3)
Servicing, 146.20 (2)
Settle, 404.104 (1)
Settlor, 701.01
Set up for the purposes of play, 440.85 (1)
Several obligors, 113.01
Severely disabled individual, 46.96 (1)
Severely emotionally disturbed child, 49.45 (25)
Severely handicapped individual, 16.752 (1)
Severely handicapped person, 47.01
Sewage, 144.01
Sewage or industrial waste sludge, 159.13 (1)
Sewage sludge, 94.64 (1)
Sewerage, 66.076