Student, 36.05 (11), 454.01
  Learner, 104.01
  Parent, 46.99 (1)
Subcontractor, 66.29 (1) (d), 779.14 (1)
Subdivision, 236.02
Subfranchisor, 553.03
Subjobber, 139.75 (11)
Subscriber, 180.0103
Subsequent purchaser, 408.102 (1)
Subsequent violation, 103.97 (1) (b)
Subsidence, 107.30
Subsidy, 144.2415 (1)
Substance, 160.01
Substantial and continuing progress, 150.01 (20)
Substantial gainful activity, 40.63 (11)
Substantially, 66.521 (13) (a)
Substantially justified, 227.485 (2), 814.245 (2)
Substantially similar, 77.51 (14g)
Substantial parental relationship, 48.415 (6) (b)
Substantial waste of public funds, 230.80
Substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect, 46.262 (1)
Substantive written objection, 30.01
Substate plan, 101.27 (1)
Successors in interest, 700.01
Summer average daily membership equivalent, 121.004
Summons, 23.51 (7), 976.02
Sum of local purpose revenues, 79.03 (3) (b)
Sums on deposit, 705.01 (11)
Sum sufficient appropriations, 20.001 (3) (d)
Supervised financial organization, 421.301 (43)
Supervision of a veterinarian, 95.21 (5) (b)
Supervisor, 111.70 (1), 111.81
Supplementary rate information, 625.02
Support, 898.14
  Order, 767.65 (2)
Supporting documentation, 943.70 (1)
Supportive care, 50.90 (4)
Surety, 401.201
Surface impoundment, 144.735 (1)
Surgeon, 990.01 (28)
Surplus, 234.165, 600.03
Surplus land, 13.48 (14), 23.15 (5), 84.09 (8)
Surplus lines agent or broker, 628.02 (5)
Surplus water, 30.01
Suspend, 440.01
Suspends payment, 404.104 (1)
Swampland, 70.32 (2) (c)
Swamp lands, 24.01
Swimming raft, 30.01
Sworn, 990.01 (41)
System, 36.05 (12)
System diagram map, 85.09 (1) (d)
System of vital statistics, 69.01
System or plant, 144.01
Tail lamp, 340.01 (66)
Take-over offer, 180.1130, 552.01
Taking under the power of eminent domain, 703.19 (1)
Tamper, 144.42 (6)
Tandem axle, 348.01 (2) (c)
Tangible assets, 144.443 (1)
Tangible personal property, 77.51
Tank vehicle, 343.01
  Area, 234.94
  Company, 552.01
  Group, 234.94
  Population, 560.70
Targeted area residence, 234.59 (1)
Targeted program, 560.075 (1)
  Base equalization aids, 79.03 (3) (b)
  Base weight, 79.03 (3) (b)
  Benefits, 560.70
  Deed, 75.001
  Deeded lands, 75.35
  Exemption device, 16.425 (2)
  Increment, 66.46 (2) (i)
  Incremental base, 66.46 (2) (j)
  Incremental district, 66.46 (2) (k)
  Lien, 75.521
  Period, 76.28 (1)
Taxable income, 71.01
Taxable property, 66.46 (2) (L)
Taxable year, 71.01, 71.42 (5), 71.58 (9)
Taxation district, 70.045, 74.01
Taxes, 45.53, 757.47 (3)