Veterans' administration, 880.60 (1)
Veterinarian, 97.42 (1), 453.02
Viability, 940.15 (1)
Vicinal industries, 186.01
Video programming, 66.082 (2)
Videotape, 136.01 (9)
Videotaping, 885.41 (1)
Village, 990.01 (45)
Violent crime, 969.035 (1)
Virtually exempt entity, 71.29 (1)
Visible from the river, 30.40
Visually handicapped, 15.377 (1), 29.09 (9) (a) 5
Visually impaired, 47.01
Visually inconspicuous, 30.40
Vital records, 69.01
Vital statistics, 69.01
Vocational-adult program, 38.01 (10)
Vocational diploma program, 38.01
Vocational rehabilitation, 47.01
Void, 765.002
Volatile organic compound, 144.30
Volatile organic compound accommodation area, 144.30
Voluntary, 46.27 (1), 49.01
Volunteer, 181.297, 187.33 (1)
Volunteer health care provider, 146.89 (1)
Vote, 96.01 (11)
Voters, 198.01
Voter survey, 11.06 (12)
Voting device, 5.02 (24g)
Voting group, 180.0103
Voting machine, 5.02 (24r)
Voting shares, 180.1103 (5), 180.1130
Voting stock, 180.1140
Vulnerable adult, 940.285 (1)
W (insurance), 623.06 (2m)
Wage deficiency, 109.01
Walkway, 30.40
Warden, 24.01
Warehouse keeper, 127.01, 407.102 (1) (h)
Warehouse line of credit, 440.72
Warehouse receipt, 134.20 (2) (b), 401.201
Warranted party, 100.205 (1)
Warrantor, 100.205 (1)
Warranty, 100.205 (1)
  Management, 16.11 (2)
  Oil, 159.15 (1)
  Reduction, 159.25 (1)
  Repository, 166.15 (1)
  Site, 144.442 (1)
  Tire, 84.078
Wasteland, 70.32 (2) (c)
Wastewater, 144.01
Watercraft, 30.01
Waterfowl, 29.27
Water loss, 144.026 (1)
Water resources, 144.26 (2)
Water safety patrol unit, 30.79 (1)
Waters of the state, 30.50 (14), 144.01, 147.015
Water supply, 144.01
  System, 60.70
Water system, 144.01
Waterworks, 144.01
Wayside, 84.04
Weapons assessment, 23.51
Weatherization, 49.80 (1)
  Improvement, 45.71 (17)
Weather modification, 93.35 (1)
Weed, 94.67 (34)
Weed seeds, 94.38
Weekly benefit rates, 108.02
Weight, 98.01
Weights and measures, 98.01 (1)
Welfare, 101.01 (2), 104.01
  Driller, 162.02
  Drilling, 162.02
Wetlands, 23.32 (1)
Wharf, 30.01, 30.40
When he deems himself insecure, 401.208
Whey cream, 97.01
Wholesale cost ratio, 440.90 (14)