C. & F., 402.320
Candidate, 11.01 (1), 12.01
Candidate for state public office, 19.42 (4)
Canned fish, 29.135
Canning, 97.29 (1)
Capable of indicating intent, 51.40 (1)
Capable of use as human food, 97.42 (1)
Capacity, 127.01
Capital, 221.045
  Cost loan, 144.241 (1)
  Costs, 66.88
  Expenditure, 144.443 (1), 150.01 (6)
  Invested, 182.70 (1)
  Participation instrument, 234.94 (1)
  Stock, 215.01 (5), 221.045
Carcass, 29.01 (2), 97.42 (1)
Cardholder, 218.50, 943.41 (1) (b)
Care, 16.11 (2)
  Fund, 157.061
Caregiver, 46.27 (1), 46.87 (1)
Car line company, 76.39 (1)
Car line equipment, 76.39 (1)
Car pool vehicle, 340.01 (6r)
Case involving a dependent child, 767.078 (1)
Case management, 46.90 (1)
Cash advance, 422.202 (2m)
Cash payment, 100.03 (1), 127.01
Cash proceeds, 409.306 (1)
Cataloged, 157.70 (1)
Cause, 17.16, 971.02 (2)
Cellular mobile radio telecommunication utility, 196.202 (1)
Cellular mobile service provider, 196.01 (2)
Cemetery association, 157.061
Cemetery authority, 157.061 (2)
Cemetery lot, 157.061
Cemetery merchandise, 157.061 (3)
Center, 36.05 (4)
Center for the developmentally disabled, 51.01 (3)
Center line of highway, 84.30 (2)
Certificated security, 408.102
Certificate, of authority, 600.03
  Of deposit, 403.104
  Of limited partnership, 179.01
  Of number, 30.50
  Applicator, 94.67 (4)
  Financial statement, 100.03 (1), 127.01
  Laboratory, 144.95 (1)
  Local register of historic property, 101.121 (2)
  Seed, 94.38
  Stationary scale, 348.01 (2) (am)
Certifier of the cause of death, 69.01
Certifying agency, 94.38
Chain of title, 706.09 (4)
Chancellor, 36.05 (5)
Change in fund basis, 623.06 (2m)
Changing basis assets, 71.05 (13)
Charge, 49.43
Charge element, 153.01
Charitable organization, 11.01 (2), 134.71 (1), 440.41 (1), 895.51 (1)
Charitable trust, 701.01, 701.107
Charter ordinance, 66.01 (2)
Chattel paper, 409.105 (1)
Chauffeur, 343.01 (2), 349.01 (2)
Check, 217.02, 403.104
Cheese grader, 97.175 (1)
Cheesemaker, 97.17
Chemical water conditioner, 100.28 (1)
Chief executive, 198.01
Chief executive officer, 66.608 (1)
Chief magistrate, 51.81
Chief of a fire department, 990.01 (7g), (28g)
  Needing protection or services, 48.13
  Sexual abuse, 971.37 (1)
  Victim, 813.122 (1)
  Victim advocate, 813.122 (1)
  With exceptional educational needs, 48.60 (4), 115.76
  With severe disabilities, 46.56 (1)
Child care provider, 46.98 (1)
Children, 853.50
Child support, 948.22 (1)
Child support obligations, 108.13 (4)
Chiropractor, 905.04 (1), 990.01 (5)
Christian Science practitioner, 103.10 (1)
Chronically disabled, 46.28 (1)
Chronic mental illness, 46.972, 51.01
Church under his or her ministry, 765.002