Waiver, 344.57 (3)
Damages, 88.69 (1)
Dangerous weapon, 939.22 (10)
Date, of enactment, 35.095 (1)
  Of evaluation, 32.06 (7)
  Of filing, 23.42
  Of injury, 102.01, 893.925
  Of issue, 632.43 (6m)
  Of publication, 35.095 (1), 227.22 (1)
Day care center, 48.65
Day care program, 46.99 (1)
Daylight hours, 29.59 (1)
Day's work, 103.38
Dead animal, 95.72
Deaf, 115.51 (2)
  Aircraft, 114.002 (12)
Dealership, 135.02
Dealership facilities, 218.01 (3r)
Death, 146.71
Death benefit, 40.02 (18)
Death tax, 72.01
Debt collection, 427.103 (2)
Debt collector, 427.103 (3)
Debts, 242.02
Debt service, 66.059 (1), 66.38 (1)
Debt service fund, 66.54 (1)
Decedent, 72.01, 157.06 (1), 851.05
Deceit, 551.02 (5), 553.03
Declarant, 703.02 (7)
Declaration, 154.01, 703.02 (8)
Decommissioning, 16.11 (2)
Decree, 766.01, 822.02 (4)
Decree date, 40.02 (18f)
Dedicated, 157.061
Dedicated ice age trail area, 23.293 (1)
Dedicated state natural areas, 23.27 (1)
Dedication, 23.27 (1), 23.293 (1)
Default judgment, 345.51
  Compensation plan, 40.02 (18g)
  Compensation plan provider, 40.02 (18s)
  Employment benefit, 766.01
  Employment benefit plan, 766.01
  Marital property, 851.055
  Payment contract, 127.01
  Price contract, 127.01
Defoliant, 94.67 (9)
Defraud, 551.02 (5)
Delinquency proceeding, 645.03
Delinquent, 48.02 (3m)
Delinquent juvenile, 48.991 (3), 48.992 (3)
  Date, 218.10
  Order, 407.102 (1) (d)
  Period, 134.83 (1) (b)
Demolition, 182.0175 (1)
Demonstration, 16.956 (1)
Demonstrator, 218.015 (1)
Dental disease, 447.01 (2)
Dental hygiene, 447.01
Dental society, 447.15
Dentist, 49.43, 447.01
Dentistry, 447.01
  Child, 49.19
  Mobile home, 66.058 (1)
  Person, 49.01
  Student, 609.655 (1) (a)
Deposit, 707.49 (1)
Deposit account, 186.01, 409.105 (1)
Depositary bank, 404.105
Depositor, 127.01, 710.05 (1)
Depository account, 815.18 (2)
Deputy, 101.01 (1)
Deputy sheriff, 40.02 (48)
Derivative proceeding, 180.0740
Desiccant, 94.67 (10)
  Family member, 134.85 (1)