Actions, provisions as to institution of, 407.309 (3)
  Through bills, 407.302 (3)
Alteration of, 407.306
Attachment of goods covered by, 407.602
Blanks, unauthorized filling of, 407.306
Bona fide purchaser, 407.501 (4)
  Sale to enforce carrier's lien, 407.308 (4)
Breach of obligation under through bill, 407.302
Cancellation of bill of lading upon delivery of goods, 407.403 (3)
Carrier, department may examine, 195.38
  Issue, 192.42
Change of shipping instructions, consignee's rights as affected by, 407.504 (3)
C.I.F., sales act, 402.320
Claims, conflicting, 407.603
  Provisions as to presentment, 407.309 (3)
Collecting bank, warranties of, 407.508
Commercial contract, compliance with, 407.509
Consignor, carrier's lien against, 407.307 (2)
Construction against negative implication, 407.105
Conversion, 407.308 (8)
  Negotiation of document obtained by, 407.502 (2)
Damages, contractual limitation of carrier's liability, 407.309 (2)
  Issuance of bill of lading in set, 407.304 (1)
  Liability for overissue, 407.402
  Misdescription of goods, 407.301
Delivery, negotiation of bill of lading by, 407.501 (1) to (3)
Delivery of goods, carrier's loss of lien by delivery or refusal to deliver, 407.307 (3)
  Change of instructions, 407.303
  Change of shipping instructions, 407.504 (3)
  No liability for good faith delivery, 407.404
  Obligation of carrier, 407.403
  Stoppage of delivery, 407.504 (4)
  Without indorsement, 407.506
Destination bills, 407.305
Diversion of goods, 407.303
Duplicate bill, 407.402
Duty of care on part of carrier, 407.309 (1)
Enforcement of carrier's lien, 407.308
Excuse for nondelivery, 407.403
Expenses, lien of carrier, 407.307 (1)
F.A.S. sales, 402.319
Fraudulent issuance, 134.20
Good faith delivery of goods, 407.404
Indemnification, rights of issuer, 407.301 (5)
Indorsement, 407.501
  Delivery of goods without, 407.506
  Right to compel, 407.506
Indorser not guarantor for other parties, 407.505
Instructions, change of, 407.303
Interpleader in case of conflicting claims, 407.603
Irregularities in issue, 407.401
Liability, limitation of, 407.309 (2)
Loss of lien by carrier, 407.307 (3)
Lost or destroyed document, 407.601
Misdescription, liability for, 407.301
Negotiable bills of lading, 407.104
Negotiation, bills in set, 407.304 (3), (4)
  Form of, 407.501
  Rights acquired by, 407.502
  Rights acquired in the absence of, 407.504
  Title to goods based on unaccepted delivery order as subject to holder of negotiated bill of lading, 407.503 (2)
  Warranties on, 407.507
Nonnegotiable, 407.104 (2)
  Effect of indorsement, 407.501 (5)