Dual purpose farm truck, fees, 341.26 (3)
  Restricted child's license, 343.08
Exemption, from requirements of chapter, 194.05
Farm truck, fee, 341.26 (3)
  Restricted child's license, 343.08
  Use of registered regulated, 341.045
Federal statutes, transportation dept. to comply with, 194.38 (5)
Fire trucks, registration fee, 341.26 (2) (k)
Flammable liquids, stop at railroads, 346.45 (1)
Forest products vehicles, registration fees, 341.26 (3m)
  Transportation, 347.49
Forgery of tickets, 943.38
Groups participating in parades, transportation, registration fees, 341.26 (2) (em)
Handicapped children, loading or unloading from human service vehicles, 346.475
Handicapped persons, transportation, insurance, 344.55
  Transportation, vehicle inspection, 110.05
Highways, powers of department and municipalities over, unaffected, 194.08
Indemnity bond, exemption from filing, 194.42
Inspection, of premises, vehicles, 194.11
  Of records by department and commissioner, 194.31
Insurance required of motor carrier, 194.41
  Exemption, 194.42
Interstate and foreign commerce:
  Application of act, 194.03 (1)
  Certificate, license, permit, 194.03 (4), 194.20
  Claim for freight charges, 194.03 (5m)
  Fees and taxes, 194.03 (2)
Interurban motor bus, limitation on size, 194.32, 348.05 to 348.07
Jurisdiction over, cooperation between departments, 194.37
Leasing vehicles, 194.04 (3) (c)
Legislative intent of act, 194.02
Liability insurance, by motor carrier, 194.41
  On school buses, 121.53
  Amendment, suspension, revocation, hearing, 194.46
  Display, 341.41 (8)
  To contract motor carriers, 194.34
Lien for transportation, 171.07
Lighting equipment, 347.26 (5)
Livestock truckers, licensing, 95.70
Load in excess of fees paid, 341.32 (2)
Marking of permitted vehicles, 194.09
Milk carriers, fees, 341.26 (3)
  Weight limitation, 348.15 (3)
Motor bus:
  Deceleration warning lights, 347.145
  Inspection of, 110.063, 341.10 (12)
  Length when owned by nonprofit organization, 348.07 (2) (i)
  Overtaking and passing, 346.075 (2)
  Pupil transportation, safety and operation standards, 110.064
  Ride, refusal to pay for, 943.225
Motor bus service for city or village, contracts, 66.061 (2)
  Joint operation with municipality, 66.064
Motor freight industry, all-union agreements, 111.06 (1) (c)
Motor fuel transporters, registration, reports, 78.77, 78.78
Mud guards or rear fenders, 347.46 (2)
Municipal consent, 194.33
Municipal routing of common carriers, 194.33
Municipal taxation prohibited, 76.54
Nonresident carriers, service of process, 194.10, 345.09
Operation, subject to law, 194.07
  Under permit, 194.355
  While delinquent unlawful, 194.16
Passes and franks, 946.11
Penalties under ch. 194, 194.17
  Application for, 194.04 (2)
  Expiration date, 194.04 (2)
  Fees, 194.04 (4)
  Collection, 194.04 (5a)
  To transportation fund, 194.04 (6)
  Operation under, 194.355
  Operation with, 194.23
  Restriction on use, 194.04 (3)
  Semitrailers, not required, 194.23, 194.34
  Vehicles having to be so marked, 194.09
Powers of transportation dept. and municipalities unaffected, 194.08
Premises, inspection, 194.11
Private motor carriers, regulation by department, 194.43
Process, service on nonresidents, 194.10
Public interest declared, 194.06
Publicly owned, size, weight, load limits, 348.02 (1), 348.18
Public transportation service, contracts with cities and villages, 66.061 (2)
Quarterly permits, 194.04 (1)
Railroads may operate, 190.02 (11)
Rear fenders or mud guards, 347.46 (2)
Records and books, inspection, 194.31
Red Cross blood bank vehicles, fee, 341.26 (2)