Municipal taxation prohibited, 76.54
Nonresident carriers, service of process, 194.10, 345.09
Operation, subject to law, 194.07
  Under permit, 194.355
  While delinquent unlawful, 194.16
Passes and franks, 946.11
Penalties under ch. 194, 194.17
  Application for, 194.04 (2)
  Expiration date, 194.04 (2)
  Fees, 194.04 (4)
  Collection, 194.04 (5a)
  To transportation fund, 194.04 (6)
  Operation under, 194.355
  Operation with, 194.23
  Restriction on use, 194.04 (3)
  Semitrailers, not required, 194.23, 194.34
  Vehicles having to be so marked, 194.09
Powers of transportation dept. and municipalities unaffected, 194.08
Premises, inspection, 194.11
Private motor carriers, regulation by department, 194.43
Process, service on nonresidents, 194.10
Public interest declared, 194.06
Publicly owned, size, weight, load limits, 348.02 (1), 348.18
Public transportation service, contracts with cities and villages, 66.061 (2)
Quarterly permits, 194.04 (1)
Railroads may operate, 190.02 (11)
Rear fenders or mud guards, 347.46 (2)
Records and books, inspection, 194.31
Red Cross blood bank vehicles, fee, 341.26 (2)
Registration, certificate, issuance, display, 341.11
  Common or contract carrier, lessee, 341.07
  Consecutive monthly, 341.18, 341.185, 341.19, 341.195, 341.305
  Dealer, manufacturer, distributor, transporter, 341.47 to 341.55
  Demonstration purposes, 341.51 (2m)
  Emergency use of vehicles, 341.04
  Fees, 341.25, 341.26, 341.32
  Financial institutions, exception, 341.57
  Improper, penalty, 341.04
  Nonpupils transported, permit, 341.26 (7)
  Overloading, 341.32 (2)
  Quarterly, 341.18, 341.185, 341.19, 341.195, 341.30, 341.305
  Reciprocity, 341.41
Rent vehicle, operator's license required, 343.46
Revocation of certificate, license, permit; hearing, 194.46
Safety rules, 194.38
School buses:
  Color, marking, 347.44
  Compulsory insurance, 121.53
  Definition, 121.51, 340.01 (56)
  Lighting equipment, 347.25 (2)
  Operators' licenses, 343.12
  Owner's liability for vehicle illegally passing, 346.485
  Presale inspection, 110.06 (3)
  Red flashing lights, 346.48
  Registration, fees, 341.26 (2)
  Rules, 121.52
  Stop at railroad, 346.45 (1)
  Vehicles to stop when displaying flashing lights, 346.48
Semitrailer or trailer, length, 348.07 (2) (g), (gm), (gr)
Semitrailers, permanent registration, 341.264
  Permits not required, 194.34
Service of process on nonresident carriers, 194.10
Size limitation, buses, 194.32, 348.05 to 348.07
Special mobile equipment, fees, 341.26
Speed limits, 346.57
State or municipal, fee, 341.26 (2)
Stop at railroad crossing, 346.45 (1)
Taxes, protested, suit to recover, 194.51
Tire requirements, 347.45
Towing vehicles, weight and length exemption, 348.02 (5)
Trailer-on-flat-car services, fees, 341.41 (4)
Trailers, passenger buses, not permitted, 194.32
Transportation department, duties, 194.38
Transportation of certain commodities in interstate commerce, application, 194.04 (1)
Truck following truck, distance between, 346.14 (2)
Trucks, all-union agreement in motor freight industry, 111.06 (1) (c)
Uniform traffic citation, service on operator, 194.178
U. S. mail unaffected by this act, 194.05
Urban mass transportation, registration fee, 341.26 (2)
Vehicles, having permit to be marked, 194.09
  Inspection, 194.11
  As to safety of equipment, 110.075
Village bus system, 66.065
Weight limits, determination, 348.15 (5), (6)
  Publicly owned trucks, 348.02 (1), 348.18
  Towing vehicles, exemption, 348.02 (5)
Weight tax, 341.25, 341.26
Width of buses, 194.32, 348.05 (2)