charitable and penal institutionsCHARITABLE AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS
For list showing how each state institution is indexed, see State Institutions

Abuse of residents, 940.29
  State employes falsely accused, payment of attorney's fees, 775.11
Accounts, audit, 46.09
Audit of expenditures, 20.907 (4)
Butter and cheese, 46.09 (2)
Chaplains in state institutions, housing allowance, 46.03 (13)
Community-based or home services for medical assistance recipients, 46.277
Contracts for temporary housing for prisoners, 302.27
Corpses of inmates, 157.02
Correctional institutions, emergency removal of prisoners, 304.115
  Health care, 302.385
  Minimum security, 301.13
  Staffing, 301.17
  Parole law, 304.06
Correctional officers, training, 301.28
Corrections compact (interstate), 302.25, 302.255, 302.26
County, administration, 46.18
  Administration in populous counties, 46.21
  Health dispensaries, 149.06
  Incentive payments to patients in mental hospitals, 46.18 (14)
  Infirmaries, 49.171 to 49.174
  Joint, 46.20
  Minimum standards, 46.175
  Officers and employes, 46.19
  Unclaimed property, disposition, 59.903
County social services dept., 46.22
Deaths, reports, when required, 979.01
Delinquent boys, training school, 46.049
Dodge correctional institution, limit on offenders, 301.19
Education, recreation and convenience of patients, inmates, employes, 46.03 (14)
Employes, 46.058
  Housing, food, laundry, etc., 46.03 (15)
Freedom of worship, 46.066
General relief, 49.01 to 49.178
General supervision, 46.03
Governor may investigate and inspect, 14.05
Green Bay correctional institution, limit on offenders, 301.19
Health and social services department, duties, powers, 46.03, 46.16, 46.17
Hospital corporations, 58.01
Hospitals, municipal, board, powers and duties, 66.50
Inmates, complaints by, 46.058
Joint county institutions, 46.20
  Removal of officers, 17.15
  Vacancies in, 17.27
Lands, acquisition, sale, 46.06
Legislative committee to visit, 13.47
Maintenance of inmates, liability, collection, 46.10
Medium/maximum security prison, establishment, transfers, 301.16
Medium security prison, establishment, transfers, 301.16
  Validation of acquisition of Milwaukee property, 992.10
Menominees, certain recovery actions prohibited, 49.085
Mentally ill or retarded, private institutions, 58.05
Milwaukee county, 46.21
Minimum security correctional institutions, 301.13
  Staffing, 301.17
Municipality may not induce location by bonus, 66.04 (1)
Officers and employes, police powers, 46.058
Pardons, procedure, 304.08 to 304.12
Parole law, 304.06 to 304.072
Patients in institutions, employment allowance, 46.064