Terms, 62.09 (5)
Unions authorized, 111.70
Vacancies, due to armed service, 17.035
  Filling, 17.23
  How caused, 17.03
  Notice, 17.17
  Qualification of successor, 17.28
Worker's compensation, 102.03 (1) (c) 5, 102.07 (10)
CITY 12. Orders12. Orders
Cancellation book, clerk to keep, 66.081
Clerk, duties, 62.09 (11)
Demand, condition of action, 66.125
Disbursements, procedure, 66.042
Judgment on, 67.26
Record, 62.09 (11)
CITY 13. Parks13. Parks
Acquisition of property for, 62.22
Board of park commissioners, 27.08
Board of public land commissioners, 27.11
Commissioners, board of, 27.08
  Vested with police power, 27.14
Council to have charge of, when, 27.08
County exercise of municipal park powers, 27.075
Donations, 27.08
Forester, duties, 27.09
Master plan, 62.23
Moneys received for, how dispersed, 27.15
Nonliability, when, 27.12
Notice to lay, vacate or extend, 840.11
Police protection, 27.14
Special assessments, 27.10
Taxation, 27.10
CITY 14. Planning14. Planning
Airport affected area, agreement to establish, 66.31
Assessments, 62.23 (14) to (16)
Blighted areas, redevelopment, 66.43
Blight elimination and slum clearance law, 66.431
Board of appeals, duties, 62.23 (6), (7)
Building districts, location of buildings, 62.23 (7)
Building inspection, 62.23 (9)
Building inspector as member of commission, 62.23 (1) (f)
Building lines, 62.23 (11)
Business improvement districts, 66.608
Commission, membership, terms, 62.23 (1)
  Powers, 62.23 (2) to (5)
Community development authority, 66.4325
Condemnation, 62.23 (11), (15), (17)
Enforcement, penalties, 62.23 (7) to (8)
Experts and staff, 62.23 (1)
Extraterritorial zoning, 62.23 (7a)
Fire limits, 62.23 (9)
Funds, how raised, 62.23 (13)
Gardening plats, 62.23 (17)
Historic preservation, 62.23 (7) (em)
Housing authority projects, 66.404 (3)
Housing facilities, 62.23 (17)
Lakes and rivers, improvement, 62.23 (18)
Land, acquisition, purposes, 62.23 (17)
Map, adoption, changes, appeals, 62.23 (6)
Master plan, 62.23 (3)
Park commissioners, 27.08
Platting lands, approval, 236.10
Public improvement projects, tax incremental financing, 66.46
Public land commissioners, 27.11
Redevelopment project, modification, 66.431 (11)
Special districts called planned development districts, 62.23 (7) (b)
Streets, widening, 62.23 (10)
Urban redevelopment law, 66.405 to 66.425
Zoning, 62.23 (7)
  Airport affected area, 62.23 (6), (7) (d)
  Board of appeals, 62.23 (7) (e)
  Extraterritorial, 62.23 (7a)
  Interim, 62.23 (7)
CITY 15. Printing15. Printing
Affidavit of publisher, filed with clerk, 985.06
Bids for, 985.06
Council proceedings, 985.06
Official newspaper, advertise in, 985.06
CITY 16. Streets16. Streets
Alleys, petition to open or change, 62.22 (4)
  Record of, 62.14
Bicycles, power to regulate roadway use, 349.23
Blocking for play purposes, 66.046 (1)
Condemnation proceedings, 62.22
County aid highways, extra width, 83.05
County trunk systems, 83.025
Curb ramps for handicapped persons, 66.616
Defective, action against, 81.15
Discontinuance, 66.296