Solar energy flow, may require easements in platting land, 236.13 (2) (d)
Solar energy systems, control of vegetation blocking, 66.033
  Regulation, 66.031
Solid waste flow control, recycling or resource recovery facilities, 62.225, 159.13
Solid waste management, recycling or resource recovery facilities, acquisition without bids, 62.155
Space above or below municipal real estate, sale or lease, 66.048 (4)
Spearfishing, law enforcement aid program, 29.599
Special assessments, 66.60, 66.63
  Annexed territory, 66.03 (13)
  Bonds and certificates, 66.54
  Match federal highway aid, 86.25 (3)
  Property benefited by improvements upon property in adjacent municipality, 66.65
  Sewer construction, 66.62
  Under unlawful contract, reassessment, 66.295
  Under void contract, refund, 66.53
Special charges, 66.60 (16)
Special laws, IV, 31
State aid, where state forest lands, state parks, hunting and fishing grounds located, 70.113
State main street program, 560.081
Summons, service on, 801.11 (4)
Tax incremental financing in public improvement projects, 66.46
Temporary loan, 67.12
Tourist rooming houses, agent status for permits or inspections, 50.535 (2)
  Order authority re inspection, 66.124
  Permit, 50.51
  Powers, 50.57
  Suspension or revocation of permit, 50.70
Traffic accident record system, maintain, record, 66.0485
Traffic, heavy, regulation, 349.17
Transit commission, establishment, 66.943
  Wis. retirement system for employes, 66.944
Transportation of pupils in hazardous areas, reimburse school districts, 121.54 (9)
Tree planting and removing, 27.09 (4)
Urban homestead programs, 66.925
Urban rail line relocations, may apply for study, 85.065
Urban rail transit systems, 85.063
Urban redevelopment law, 66.405 to 66.425
Utility, bonds to construct, 66.066
Utility districts, abolished upon municipal consolidation, 66.072 (6)
  Creation and alteration, 66.072
Vending operations, agent status for permits or inspections, 50.535 (1)
  Permit, 50.51
  Powers, 50.57
  Suspension or revocation of permit, 50.70
Veterans' housing authorities, 66.39
Viaducts, private, 66.048
Village over 1,000 may become, procedure, 66.01 (16)
Vocational school, disposition of property upon creation of a vocational education district, 38.20 (2)
Water connection, to order, 144.06
Water resource projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
Water safety patrols, state aid, 30.79
Water supplies, damage to by regulated activity, 144.265
Weights and measures department, establishment, 98.04
Wharves and piers, dilapidated in navigable waters, nuisances, 823.215
  Removal extending beyond pierhead line, 30.13 (5), 66.0495, 893.765
Wis. development fund, 560.60 to 560.685
CITY 2. Appropriations2. Appropriations
Aye and no vote necessary, 62.11 (3)
Highway, to adjoining municipality, 86.15 (2)
Housing authority, 66.404 (2)
Limitation, 62.12
Official bonds, pay for, 66.14
Procedure, 62.12
State institutions, bonus to locate, forbidden, 66.04 (1)
Urban redevelopment, 66.419 to 66.421
city 3. bonds3. Bonds
For general provisions, see also Municipal Borrowing

Action to contest, limitation, 893.77
Debt service fund, 67.11
Execution and sale, 67.08
Fiscal agent for city, 67.10 (2)
Flood control act assessments, 87.10 (2)
Joint city-county buildings, 66.51
Limitation upon amount, 67.03
Motor bus system for city, method of payment, 66.066 (1m)
Museums may be established, 66.48
Parking system, 66.079
Procedure for issuance, 67.05
Public improvements, 66.059, 66.54
Public transportation system for city, method of payment, 66.066 (1m)
Public utility, municipal, 66.066
Refunding, validation, 992.04
Registration, 67.09
Sale, 67.08
Sewer district, 62.185
Streets and parkways, 27.11
CITY 4. Buildings4. Buildings
Auditoriums, county-city, 66.505
Building codes, enforcement, 62.17