Weights and measures department, establishment, 98.04
Wharves and piers, dilapidated in navigable waters, nuisances, 823.215
  Removal extending beyond pierhead line, 30.13 (5), 66.0495, 893.765
Wis. development fund, 560.60 to 560.685
CITY 2. Appropriations2. Appropriations
Aye and no vote necessary, 62.11 (3)
Highway, to adjoining municipality, 86.15 (2)
Housing authority, 66.404 (2)
Limitation, 62.12
Official bonds, pay for, 66.14
Procedure, 62.12
State institutions, bonus to locate, forbidden, 66.04 (1)
Urban redevelopment, 66.419 to 66.421
city 3. bonds3. Bonds
For general provisions, see also Municipal Borrowing

Action to contest, limitation, 893.77
Debt service fund, 67.11
Execution and sale, 67.08
Fiscal agent for city, 67.10 (2)
Flood control act assessments, 87.10 (2)
Joint city-county buildings, 66.51
Limitation upon amount, 67.03
Motor bus system for city, method of payment, 66.066 (1m)
Museums may be established, 66.48
Parking system, 66.079
Procedure for issuance, 67.05
Public improvements, 66.059, 66.54
Public transportation system for city, method of payment, 66.066 (1m)
Public utility, municipal, 66.066
Refunding, validation, 992.04
Registration, 67.09
Sale, 67.08
Sewer district, 62.185
Streets and parkways, 27.11
CITY 4. Buildings4. Buildings
Auditoriums, county-city, 66.505
Building codes, enforcement, 62.17
Building lines, 62.23 (11)
Erection at street ends on navigable waters, 30.30 (8)
Federal aid projects, 66.51
Heated sidewalks prohibited, 101.124
Historic preservation, 62.23 (7) (em)
Hospital, lease agreements with nonprofit corporations to finance facilities, 66.501
Ingress, egress and access requirements for disabled, 101.13 (2), (3), (4)
Inspection and approval, 101.12
Inspector, 62.23 (9)
Jail, personnel, compensation, 62.09 (13)
Joint city-county projects, 66.505, 66.51
Joint county-city safety building, 66.508
Razing, 66.05
Record of plans, 62.14
Regulation, 62.23 (7) to (9)
Revenue bonds, 66.51
Safety requirements for disabled, 101.13
Smoking regulated, 101.123
University centers, bonds to construct, 66.51
CITY 5. Clerk5. Clerk
Books of municipal judge, delivery, demand, duty, 755.12 to 755.14
Boundaries of city, certify, 62.02
Cancellation book for orders, 66.081
Debt statement to secretary of state, 69.68
Deputy, appointment, pay, 62.09 (11)
Dogs, list of, 174.06
Duties, 62.09 (11)
  Ballots, errors, correcting, 5.72
  Notices, 10.01 (2)
  September primary and election dates, 10.76
  Special primary and election dates, 10.82 (3)
  Spring primary and election dates, 10.66
  Supervision, duties, 7.15
False certificate as to bounty, 66.37 (5)
Fiscal report, 62.09 (11)
Issue certificate of appointment, 62.09 (4) (c)
Notice of litigation, annexation, detachment contested, 66.026
Notice of opportunity to examine tax roll, 70.45
Oath, power to administer, 62.09 (11)
Park funds, 27.10
Powers and duties, 62.09 (11)
Rabies quarantine, post notices, 95.21
Sales tax, require proof of seller's permit to issue license, 77.61 (11)
Statement of valuation, taxes, special assessments, debt, 69.60
Street trade permits, 62.09 (11) (k)
Tax roll, correction, 70.73
  Examination and correction, 70.52
  To make, form, 70.65
Tax statement, failure to return, 69.67
  To file with department of revenue, 69.61
  To revenue dept., 70.53