Authority to delegate functions, 230.05 (2)
  Certifications, rules, 230.25
  Expanded certifications, 230.25 (1n)
  Failure of authorities to make appointments, issue orders, 230.25 (2)
  Orders, issue, 230.05 (4)
  Powers and duties, 230.40 (6)
  Revise employing unit structure, 230.30
  Rules, as to exceptional employment situations, 36.50 (7)
  Project positions, 230.27
  Promulgate, 230.05 (5)
  Terminate, limited term employe, 230.26 (5)
Aged employes, part-time service, retirement, 230.37 (2)
Aid recipients, employment of, 230.147
Appeal procedures, 230.44
  Discretionary performance award, 230.12 (5) (e)
Applicants, eligibility, 230.16 (2), 230.17
  Recommendations, 230.20
Application to take examination, 230.16
Appointees, bonds may be required, 230.17 (3)
Appointing authorities, affirmative action, duties, 230.06 (1) (g) to (k)
  Powers and duties, 230.06
Appointments, 230.25
  Invalid, 230.41
  Limited term, 230.26
  Probationary period, 230.28
  Prohibited, 230.43 (2)
  Promotions, 230.15
  State departments, 20.922 (1)
Apportionments, permanent part-time, 230.215 (3)
Board of examiners, 230.16 (3)
Bond, by appointee, 230.17 (3)
Career advancement, 230.19
Career executive program, leave of absence, 230.35 (1m)
  Sick leave, 230.35 (2)
Career executive selection, 230.24
Certifications, expanded, 230.25 (1n)
Changes in classified service, 230.15
Cities may establish; veterans' preference, 66.19
Cities of first class, 63.18 to 63.53
  City attorney's office, 63.29
  School board employes, 63.53
  Violations, penalty, 63.52
Classification, 230.08, 230.09
Classified employes engaged in legislative text processing, treatment of, 16.979
Classified service, collective bargaining, 111.91
Classified service roster, 230.04 (12)
Clinical chaplain, evaluation, 230.18
Closed records, exception, 230.13
Compensation, 230.12
Compensation plan, additional hours of work provisions, 230.12 (6)
  Coverage, 230.10
  Definition, 230.12
  Implementation provisions, 230.12 (4) (a)
  Maintenance provisions, 230.12 (1) (e)
  Revision, 230.12 (3)
  Schedules, 230.12 (1) (b)
  Supplementary compensation, 230.12 (1) (c)
  Trainee pay rates, 230.12 (1) (f)
  Within range pay adjustments, 230.12 (5)
Contributions, political, restricted, 230.40
County, 59.07 (20), 63.01 to 63.17
  Soldiers' leave, reinstatement, 63.06
County social services departments, 49.50
Crime victims compensation program director, unclassified, 230.08 (2) (w)
Critical recruitment selection, 230.21
Definitions, 230.03
Demotion, 230.34
  Rights of employe, 230.43 (4)
Department heads and executives, leave of absence, 230.35 (1m)
  Sick leave, 230.35 (2)
Discharge, 230.34
  Limited term employe, 230.26 (5)
Discriminations forbidden, 230.18
District attorneys, extra compensation, 230.12 (1)
Division administrators, 230.08 (4)
Elected state officers, vacations, 230.35 (1r)
Employe disclosure, 230.80 to 230.89, 895.65
Employe, ratings, 230.37
Employes' rights, corrections or parole, 230.337
Employing units, establishment and revision, 230.30
Employment of aid recipients, 230.147
Employment registers, 230.25 (3), (4)
Entry professional program, 230.22
Establishing and abolishing positions, 230.09 (2)
Examinations, 230.16
  Applicants may be barred, 230.17
  Assistant for handicapped applicants, 230.16 (6)
  Knowledge of, control, 230.16 (10)
  Local examiner, 230.16 (8)