Corporation counsel, settle, 59.07 (3)
County board examine, settle, allow, 59.07 (3)
Criminal cases, claims arising under, form, 59.77
Damage done by dogs, 174.11, 174.12
Disallowance, time for bringing action, 59.79
Examination and allowance, 59.79
Fees in court matters, 59.77 (8)
Judicial officers, 59.77
Milwaukee county, 59.78
Negligence actions, notice, limitation of damages, 893.80
Uniform procedure, 59.76, 59.77 (1), 893.80
Wildlife damage claim program, 29.598
CLAIMS 4. Against School Districts4. Against School Districts
Automobile accidents, negligence, 345.05
Uniform procedure, 118.26, 119.68, 893.80
CLAIMS 5. Against the State5. Against the State
Absentee's insurance fund, recovery, 813.31
Action on, how brought, 775.01
Appropriations to pay, withholding, 16.53 (9)
Auditing, 16.53 (1)
Audit order indorsed, 16.53 (4)
Checks or share drafts, reissue, 20.912
Claims board,
County clerk to certify claims in connection with prisoners, 59.175
Examination of claimants, 16.53 (3)
Foster and family-operated group home parent liability, 48.627
Indemnity for slaughtered animals, 95.37
Interest on delayed payments, 16.53 (11)
Judgment on, how paid, 775.04
Notice to attorney general, 893.82
Operating notes, suits, judgments, 18.76
Payments delayed, interest, 16.53 (11)
Payrolls, audit, certification, 16.53 (1)
Presenting, VIII, 2
Priority of claims, 16.53 (10)
Reassessment personnel, 70.81
Refund of escheats, 863.39
Verification, 16.53 (1)
Vietnam era decedent, inheritance tax exemption, claims for refund, 72.15 (6)
Warrants, what to specify, 16.53 (5)
CLAIMS 6. Against Towns6. Against Towns
Automobile accidents, negligence, 345.05
Procedure, 60.44
  Uniform, 893.80
Tort actions, notice, limitation of damages, 893.80
CLAIMS 7. Against Villages7. Against Villages
Auditing, allowance or disallowance, 61.51
Automobile accidents, negligence, 345.05
Negligence actions, notice, limitation of damages, 893.80
Uniform procedure, 81.15, 893.80