clerk of courtCLERK OF COURT
Action, damages from cranberry dams, 94.29
Actions affecting family, disclosure of assets, 767.27 (3)
Adoption order to bureau of vital statistics, 48.94
Alcoholic beverages, license suspension or imposition of penalty, reports, 125.13
Ancillary administration, agent for service of process, 868.03 (5)
Annual account to court of partition investments, 842.29
Appraisers, not to be, 753.32
Assigned judge, notice to parties, 801.59
Attorney, not to act as, 59.40
Bail, agent in action to forfeit, 969.13 (3)
Bail deposit applied on judgment, 818.14
Blank process to attorneys, 757.35
Bond and oath, 19.01, 59.13
Certificate lists, 59.395 (3)
Certify, expense of bringing prisoner to testify, 782.45 (1)
Change of name, duties, fees, 786.36
Child custody decrees, certified copies, 822.17
  From another state, filing, 822.15
  Maintain registry, 822.16
Child support, obligation percentage standards, 767.45 (7), 767.455 (6)
  Orders, duties, 767.25
Citations for misdemeanors, form, 758.171
Controlled substances, first offense, conditional discharge, inform justice dept., 161.47 (2)
Copy of judgment against state, 775.04
Costs, strike unnecessary, 814.48
Court record, 59.39 (2)
Crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, 973.045
  Payment to county treasurer, 59.395 (5)
Criminal record, 59.39 (3)
Damages, breach of duty to docket judgments, 806.10 (3)
Dane county, enforcement of foreign insurance decrees, 618.61 (4)
Death certificates, court-ordered, duties, 69.19
Death of judgment creditor, 815.15
Deliver sheriff's deed on foreclosure, 846.17
Deposit for traffic regulation arrest, duties, 345.26 (5)
Depositions, receipt, filing, notice, 887.26
Deposit to pay judgment; fees, 806.19 (3)
Deputies, appointment, how made, 59.38
  Duties, 59.38
Disburse proceeds of foreclosure sale, 846.17
Discharge foreclosure judgment, 846.13
Distribution of proceeds of partition sale, 842.23
Divorce, judgment, mail copies, 767.37
  Report to state registrar, 69.17
Docket, copy of supreme court or court of appeals judgment, 806.16
  Delinquent income tax warrants, 806.11
  Entry on reversal of judgment, 806.10 (2)
Domestic abuse, assessment surcharge, payment to county treasurer, 59.395 (5)
Driver improvement surcharge, payment to county treasurer, 59.395 (5)
Duties, 753.30
  Enumeration, 59.39, 59.395
Election, term, 59.12
  Term, security, VII, 12
  Judgment on acceptance of offer, 807.01
  Satisfaction of judgment by execution, 806.19 (2)
  Transcript of satisfaction, 806.22
Entries after verdict, 805.12 (3)
Executions, sign and seal, 815.05
Fees, 59.42, 757.25
  Automation, 814.635
  Civil actions, 814.61
  Criminal actions, 814.60
  For entry on margin of docket, 815.62
  For filing log liens, 779.19
  For filing stone quarry lien, 779.40
  Forfeiture actions, 778.195, 778.25, 814.63
  Garnishment, 814.62
  Indigents, exemption, 814.29
  Natural resources forfeiture actions, 23.82
  On change of venue, 801.61
  Satisfaction of judgment, 806.19 (3)
  Small claims actions, 799.255, 814.62
  Utility tax suits, 76.26
Filing, papers, 801.14 (5)
  Satisfaction of judgment, 806.19 (1) (c)
Foreign judgment, filing, 806.24
Fraud in drawing jury, 756.041
Garnishment, payment by garnishee, 812.13
Grand jury, oath, copy to jurors, 756.11
  Witnesses, file list, 756.14
Habitual traffic offender, file copy of order of court, 351.06
Health and social services dept., cooperate with, 59.395 (7)