Debtor's right to redeem, 409.506
  Discharge of obligation by acceptance of, 409.505
  List of collateral, request for, 409.208
  Ownership by person not a debtor, 409.112
  Possession, perfecting interest, 409.305
  Release, 409.406
  Removal of, 409.401 (3)
  Right to dispose of after default, 409.504
  Secured party's rights and duties when in possession of, 409.207
  Secured party's rights on disposition, 409.306
  Title to immaterial, 409.202
  Use or disposition, 409.205
Collecting bank, enforcement of interest, 409.203
Collection rights of secured party, 409.502
Commingling, priorities, 409.315
Compulsory disposition of collateral, 409.505
Computer storage, statewide lien system, 409.410
Conflict of laws, 409.103
Consigned goods, financing statement, 409.408
Consignment, 409.114
Construction machinery as subject of, 409.103 (3)
Consumer goods, 409.109 (1)
  Buyer taking free of security interest, 409.307
  Filing security interest in, 409.302 (1)
Continuation statement, filing, 409.403 (8)
Continuity of perfection, 409.303
Contract liability of secured party for debtor's acts or omissions, 409.317
Cooperative member contract, excluded transaction, 409.104 (12)
Croppers' contracts, applicability of ch. 409, 241.03 (3)
Crops, place of filing security interest, 409.401 (1) (a)
  Priorities among conflicting security interests, 409.312 (2)
Debtor, right to redeem collateral, 409.506
Default, 409.501 to 409.507
  Acceptance of collateral as discharging obligation, 409.505 (2)
  Collection rights of secured party, 409.502
  Compulsory disposition of collateral, 409.505
  Disposal of collateral, 409.504
  Sales chapter, 409.113
  Secured party's liability for failure to comply with provisions, 409.507
  Secured party's right to possession, 409.503
Defenses, against assignee, 409.318 (1)
  Agreement not to assert against assignee, 409.206
Deposits, exclusion of transfer of, 409.104 (13)
Description of collateral, sufficiency of, 409.110
Discharge of obligation, acceptance of collateral as, 409.505 (2)
Disposition of collateral, after default, 409.504
  Secured party's rights on, 409.306
  Without accounting permissible, 409.205
Documents, filing to perfect security interest in, 409.304 (1), (2), (4), (5)
  Priorities, 409.301 (1) (c)
Enforceability of security interest, 409.203
Equipment, defined, 409.109 (2)
Equipment trust, application of chapter, 409.102
Excluded transactions, 409.104Farm equipment, buyer taking free of security interest,409.307
  Collateral, place of filing, 409.401 (1) (a)
Farm products buyer, priorities, 409.301 (1) (c)
Farm products, defined, 409.109 (3)
Fees, certified copies, 409.407
  Filing assignment, 409.405
  Filing financing statement, 409.403 (5)
  Filing release, 409.406
Filing, assignment, 409.405
  Duration of, 409.403 (2)
  Duties of filing officer, 409.403 (4), 409.404 (2), 409.405, 409.406
  Duties of register of deeds, 59.51 (11) to (13)
  Erroneous, 409.401 (2)
  For filing termination statement, 409.404 (3)
  Financing statement, 409.402 (1), 409.403
  Governing law, 409.103
  Information from filing officer, 409.407
  Lapsed filing, 409.403 (2), (3)
  Perfection of security interest by, 409.304
  Place of, 409.401
  Priorities as determined by order of, 409.312 (5), (6)
  Refilings, 409.904
  Sales chapter, 409.113
  Termination statement, 409.404
  What constitutes, 409.403 (1)
  When required to perfect security interest, 409.302
Filing officer, information from, 409.407
Financing statement, consigned goods, 409.408
  Filing of, 409.403
  Formal requisites, 409.402
  Leased goods, 409.408
Fixtures, place of filing, 409.401 (1) (b)
  Priority of security interests, 409.313
Foreclosure of security interest, 409.501