Law governing action involving, 404.102 (2)
Breach of warranties, damages, 404.207 (3)
Cashier's check, remittance by, 404.211
Certification, order of certification, 404.303 (2)
Charge-back, 404.212
Charging items against accounts, 404.401
  Order of charging, 404.303 (2)
Checks more than 6 months old, bank not obligated to pay, 404.404
Clearing house, provisional settlement made through, 404.213 (2)
  Return of item received through, 404.301 (4)
Close of banking day, 404.107
Collecting bank, agency status, 404.201
  Care required, 404.202
  Charge-back, 404.212 (1)
  Delays in collecting, 404.108
  Final payment, 404.213 (3)
  Insolvency of bank, preferences upon, 404.214
  Instructions by transferor as affecting liability, 404.203, 404.204
  Methods of sending and presenting, 404.204
  Refund, 404.212 (1)
  Security interest of, 404.208
  Settlement of item, 404.211
  Warranties, 404.207
Conflicting chapters, 404.102 (1)
Conflict of laws, 404.102 (2)
Customers, alteration of instrument, duty, 404.406
  Bank's liability for wrongful dishonor, 404.402
  Charge-back, 404.212
  Charges against account, when, 404.401
  Death, 404.405
  Incompetence, 404.405
  Stop payment order by, 404.403
  Unauthorized signatures, duty, 404.406
  Warranties on transfer or presentment of items, 404.207
Damages, breach of warranties, 404.207 (3)
  Failure of bank to exercise ordinary care, 404.103 (5)
Death of customer, effect, 404.405
Default of other bank or person, collecting bank's liability, 404.202 (3)
Deferred posting, 404.301
Definitions, 404.104, 404.105, 404.109
Delays, collection, 404.108
  Necessity of giving notice, 404.202 (1)
Depositary bank, charge-back, 404.212 (2)
  Supplying missing indorsement, 404.205 (1)
Deposit of money in bank, time for withdrawing, 404.213 (5)
Dishonor, documentary draft, 404.501, 404.503
  Items not payable at bank, 404.210 (2)
  Remittance, dishonor of, 404.211 (2)
  Wrongful, bank's liability for, 404.402
Documentary drafts, collection, 404.501 to 404.504
Expenses, bank presenting documentary draft entitled to reimbursement, 404.504 (2)
Federal reserve regulations, application, 404.103 (2), (3)
Final payment, of item by payor bank, 404.213 (1)
  Receipt, 404.208
Goods, responsibility of presenting bank, 404.503, 404.504
Holder in due course, bank giving value as, 404.209
Identity, transferor bank, 404.206
Incompetency of customer, effect, 404.405
Indorsements, missing indorsement, supplying, 404.205 (1)
  Restrictive indorsements, notice, 404.205 (2)
  Status of collecting bank as affected by form or lack of, 404.201
Insolvency of bank, preferences upon, 404.214
Insolvency of other bank or person, collecting bank's liability, 404.202
Instructions, collecting bank's liability affected by, 404.203
Intermediary bank, charge-back or refund, 404.212 (2)
  Restrictive indorsement as notice to, 404.205 (2)
Item, cut-off hour for receipt, 404.107
  Late return, payor bank's responsibility, 404.302
Legal process, items subject to, 404.303
Lien of bank for expenses in presenting documentary draft, 404.504 (2)
Loss of item, collecting bank's liability, 404.202 (3)
Midnight deadline, retention of item beyond, 404.302
  Return of item prior to, 404.301 (1)
  Seasonable action prior to, 404.202 (2)
Misconduct of other person or bank, collecting bank's liability, 404.202 (3)
Missing indorsement, supplying, 404.205 (1)
Mistake, bank's liability to customer, 404.402
Neglect of other bank or person, collecting bank's liability, 404.202 (3)
Notice of dishonor, 404.301 (2), (3)
  Collecting bank, care required, 404.202 (1)
Notice, presentment of item not payable by, through or at bank, 404.210
  Restrictive indorsement as, 404.205 (2)
  Time when item subject to, 404.303 (1)
On arrival drafts, presentment, 404.502
Oral stop payment order, 404.403 (2)
Payor bank, death of customer, 404.405
  Delays in collecting, 404.108
  Final payment of item, 404.213 (1)
  Incompetence of customer, 404.405