Indorsements, missing indorsement, supplying, 404.205 (1)
  Restrictive indorsements, notice, 404.205 (2)
  Status of collecting bank as affected by form or lack of, 404.201
Insolvency of bank, preferences upon, 404.214
Insolvency of other bank or person, collecting bank's liability, 404.202
Instructions, collecting bank's liability affected by, 404.203
Intermediary bank, charge-back or refund, 404.212 (2)
  Restrictive indorsement as notice to, 404.205 (2)
Item, cut-off hour for receipt, 404.107
  Late return, payor bank's responsibility, 404.302
Legal process, items subject to, 404.303
Lien of bank for expenses in presenting documentary draft, 404.504 (2)
Loss of item, collecting bank's liability, 404.202 (3)
Midnight deadline, retention of item beyond, 404.302
  Return of item prior to, 404.301 (1)
  Seasonable action prior to, 404.202 (2)
Misconduct of other person or bank, collecting bank's liability, 404.202 (3)
Missing indorsement, supplying, 404.205 (1)
Mistake, bank's liability to customer, 404.402
Neglect of other bank or person, collecting bank's liability, 404.202 (3)
Notice of dishonor, 404.301 (2), (3)
  Collecting bank, care required, 404.202 (1)
Notice, presentment of item not payable by, through or at bank, 404.210
  Restrictive indorsement as, 404.205 (2)
  Time when item subject to, 404.303 (1)
On arrival drafts, presentment, 404.502
Oral stop payment order, 404.403 (2)
Payor bank, death of customer, 404.405
  Delays in collecting, 404.108
  Final payment of item, 404.213 (1)
  Incompetence of customer, 404.405
  Late return of item, bank's responsibility, 404.302
  Preference upon insolvency, 404.214
  Recovery of payment by return of items, 404.301
  Restrictive indorsement as notice to, 404.205 (2)
  Sending item directly to, 404.204 (2)
  Subrogation on improper payment, 404.407
  Warranties to, 404.207 (1)
Posting, deferred, 404.301
  Definition of process of, 404.109
Preferences upon insolvency of bank, 404.214
Presentment, care required of collecting bank, 404.202 (1)
  Documentary drafts, 404.501 to 404.504
  Item not payable by, through or at bank, presentment by notice, 404.210
  Methods of, 404.204
  Warranties on, 404.207
Presumption, agency status of collecting banks, 404.201
Process, time when item subject to, 404.303 (1)
Prosecution, wrongful dishonor by bank, damages to customer, 404.402
Protest, degree of care required of collecting bank, 404.202 (1)
Provisional settlement, remittance cases, 404.211
  Time of becoming final, 404.213
Receipt of final settlement for item, 404.208 (3)
Receipt of items, time of, 404.107
Recovery of payment by return of items, 404.301
Referee, instructions from upon dishonor of documentary draft, 404.503
Refunds, 404.212
Remittance, means of, 404.211
Restrictive indorsement as notice, 404.205 (2)
Return of item, late return, 404.302
  Recovery of payment by, 404.301
Revocation of payment, 404.301 (2)
Secondary parties, liability of, 404.210 (2)
Security interest of collecting bank, 404.208
  Holder in due course, 404.209
Security interest of presenting bank, 404.503
Settlement of item, 404.211
Short title, 404.101
Signatures, customer's duty to discover and report unauthorized signature, 404.406
Statement, customer's duty to examine, 404.406
Stop payment order, customer's right to make, 404.403
  Time when item subject to, 404.302 (1), 404.303 (1)
Subrogation, right of payor bank on improper payment, 404.407
Suspension of payment, 404.214
Time, breach of warranty, time for presenting claim for, 404.207 (4)
  Dishonor, 404.301
  Limit for presenting check, 404.404
  Receipt of items, 404.107
Transfer between banks, 404.206
Unauthorized signatures, duty of customer, 404.406
Unpaid check, permitting direct return to bank where first deposited, 404.212 (1m)
Variation by agreement, 404.103 (1)
Warranties on presentment or transfer of items, 404.207
Withdrawal, right of customer, 404.213 (4)
COMMERCIAL CODE 3. Bulk Transfers3. Bulk Transfers
, Ch. 406
Actions, limitation of, 406.111
Alcohol beverages, 406.102 (3m)
Assignment for benefit of creditors, exception of, 406.103 (1) (b)
Auction sales, 406.108