Enterprises subject to chapter, 406.102 (3)
Equipment, transfer of, 406.102
Execution, exception of transfers of property exempt from, 406.103 (1) (h)
Intoxicating liquor, 406.102 (3m)
Levies, limitation of, 406.111
Lien, exception of transfers in settlement of, 406.103 (1) (c)
Limitation of actions, 406.111
List of creditors, 406.104
  Auction sales, 406.108 (2), (3)
Malt beverages, 406.102 (3m)
Notice to creditors, 406.105, 406.107
  Auction, 406.108 (3)
Protection of creditors, 406.109
Public officer, exception of sales by, 406.103 (1) (d)
Purchaser for value in good faith, 406.110
Schedule of property, 406.104
  Auctioneer's duty as to, 406.108 (3)
  Notice to creditors of location of, 406.107 (2) (b)
Secured transactions, application of chapter to, 409.111
  Priorities of transferee in bulk, 409.301
Security interest, exception of transfers in settlement of, 406.103 (1) (c)
Service, auction sale notice, 406.108 (3) (b)
Short title, 406.101
Subsequent transfers, 406.110
Transfers excepted from chapter, 406.103
Trustees in bankruptcy, exception of sales by, 406.103 (1) (d)
commercial code 4. commercial paper4. Commercial Paper
, Ch. 403
Acceleration, notice to purchaser, instrument overdue, 403.304 (3) (b)
  Payment of instrument, 403.109
  Presentment as affected by, 403.503 (1) (d)
Acceptance, date, adding, 403.410 (3)
  Defined, 403.410
  Finality of, 403.418
  Liability of drawee, 403.409
  Operation of, 403.410
  Set of parts, drafts in, 403.801
  Varying draft, 403.412
  Warranties on presentment and transfer, 403.417
Acceptor, contract of, 403.413
Accommodation parties, contract of, 403.415
  Notice of claim or defense, 403.304 (4)
Accounts, unconditional nature of promise or order as affected by reference to particular account, 403.105 (1) (f)
Actions, accrual of cause, 403.122
  Holder, right of action, 403.301
  Indorsement, suit to compel, 403.201 (3)
  Lost, destroyed or stolen instruments, 403.804
  Third party, notice of litigation to, 403.803
  Underlying obligation, dishonor of paper as giving right of action on, 403.802 (1) (b)
Admission of payee's existence and capacity to indorse, 403.413 (3)
Agents, description of payee as agent, 403.117
  Notice of dishonor by or to, 403.508
  Signatures by, 403.403
  Warranty by, 403.417 (4)
Alterations, 403.407
  Negligence contributing to, 403.406
  Notice of claim or defense, 403.304 (1)
  Warranties, 403.417 (1)
Alternative payees, 403.116
Ambiguous terms, 403.118
Antecedent obligation, consideration, 403.408
Antedating, 403.114
  Notice of claim or defense, 403.304 (4)
Assignment, draft or check, 403.409
Associations, payable to order, 403.110 (1)
  Payment limited, 403.105
Attorney's fees, sum certain, 403.106
  Tender of payment as affecting liability for, 403.604 (1)
Bankruptcy, defense against holder in due course, 403.305
  Excusing presentment, 403.511 (3)
  Notice of dishonor to representative of estate, 403.508 (6)
Banks, conversion, liability for, 403.419
  Evidence of dishonor and notice of dishonor, 403.510
  Instruments payable at, 403.121
  Instruments payable through, 403.120
  Notice of dishonor, 403.508
Bearer, paper not payable to, 403.805
Bearer instrument, 403.111
  Blank indorsement, 403.204
  Negotiability, 403.104 (1) (d)
  Negotiation by delivery, 403.202 (1)
  Payable to order, 403.110 (3)
Bills of lading,
Blank indorsement, 403.204
Breach of duty, notice to purchaser, 403.304
Brokers, warranties when selling, 403.417 (4)
Burden of proof, signatures, 403.307
Cancellation, discharge by, 403.605
Cash, payable to bearer, 403.111
Cause of action, accrual, 403.122