Ambiguous terms, 403.118
Antecedent obligation, consideration, 403.408
Antedating, 403.114
  Notice of claim or defense, 403.304 (4)
Assignment, draft or check, 403.409
Associations, payable to order, 403.110 (1)
  Payment limited, 403.105
Attorney's fees, sum certain, 403.106
  Tender of payment as affecting liability for, 403.604 (1)
Bankruptcy, defense against holder in due course, 403.305
  Excusing presentment, 403.511 (3)
  Notice of dishonor to representative of estate, 403.508 (6)
Banks, conversion, liability for, 403.419
  Evidence of dishonor and notice of dishonor, 403.510
  Instruments payable at, 403.121
  Instruments payable through, 403.120
  Notice of dishonor, 403.508
Bearer, paper not payable to, 403.805
Bearer instrument, 403.111
  Blank indorsement, 403.204
  Negotiability, 403.104 (1) (d)
  Negotiation by delivery, 403.202 (1)
  Payable to order, 403.110 (3)
Bills of lading,
Blank indorsement, 403.204
Breach of duty, notice to purchaser, 403.304
Brokers, warranties when selling, 403.417 (4)
Burden of proof, signatures, 403.307
Cancellation, discharge by, 403.605
Cash, payable to bearer, 403.111
Cause of action, accrual, 403.122
Certificate of deposit, accrual of cause of action, 403.122 (2)
  Negotiable or nonnegotiable, 403.104
Certificate of dishonor, 403.509
Certification of check, 403.411
Chain of title, indorsement not in, 403.415 (4)
Checks, assignment of funds, 403.409
  Certification is acceptance, 403.411
  Demand instrument, taking after more than reasonable length of time, 403.304
  Letter of advice of international sight draft, 403.701
  Negotiability, 403.104
  Surety as discharged by taking check for underlying obligation, 403.802 (2)
  Title to goods, delivery in exchange for check later dishonored, 402.403 (1)
Children, rights of a holder in due course, 403.305 (2)
Claims, holder in due course, 403.305
  Holder not in due course, 403.306
  Notice to purchaser, 403.304
Clearing house, presentment through, 403.504 (2) (b)
Collateral, affect on negotiability, 403.112 (1) (b), (c)
Collecting bank, 403.120
Collection guaranteed, 403.416 (2)
Conditions, indorsement as affected by, 403.202 (4)
  Restrictive indorsements, 403.205, 403.206
Consideration, necessity of, 403.408
  Negotiability as affected by failure to state, 403.112 (1) (a)
Construction, rules of, 403.118
Constructive conditions, unconditional nature of promise or order as affected by, 403.105 (1) (a)
Consul, certificate of dishonor, 403.509
Contract, of accommodation party, 403.415
  Of guarantor, 403.416
  Of indorser, 403.414
  Of maker, drawer and acceptor, 403.413
Conversion of, 403.419
Corporation, ultra vires, rescission of negotiation, 403.207
Costs, collection, sum certain, 403.106
  Tender of payment as affecting liability for, 403.604 (1)
Currency, payable in money, 403.107
Custom and usage, affecting time for presentment, 403.503 (2)
Damages for conversion, 403.419 (2), (3)
Date, 403.114
Death, presumption of genuineness of signature of deceased person, 403.307 (1) (b)
Defects, notice to purchaser, 403.304
Defenses, failure of consideration, 403.408
  Holder in due course, 403.305
  Holder not in due course, 403.306
  Notice to purchaser, 403.304
  Warranties on transfer, 403.417 (2)
Definite time, instrument payable at, 403.109
Definitions, 403.102
Demand instrument, accrual of cause of action, 403.122
  Negotiability, 403.104 (1) (c)
  Payable on demand, 403.108
Description, instruments payable with words of, 403.117
Destroyed paper, action on, 403.804
Discharge, 403.601 to 403.606
  Alteration of paper, 403.407 (2)
  Cancellation of paper discharges, 403.605
  Certification of check discharges indorsers and drawer, 403.411
  Drafts in a set, 403.801 (4)