Incomplete instruments, 403.115
  Acceptance, 403.410
  Completion of a material alteration, 403.407 (1)
  Notice of claim or defense, 403.304 (1)
Indorsements, acceptance varying draft discharges indorsers, 403.412
  Actions against indorser, time of accrual, 403.122 (3)
  Blank, 403.204
  Cancellation, reissue, 403.208
  Certification discharges indorsers, 403.411
  Contract of indorsers, 403.414
  Discharge, unexcused delay in presentment or notice of dishonor, 403.502
  Drafts in a set, 403.801
  Imposter, indorsement by, 403.405
  Misspelled name, 403.203
  Negotiability, terms affecting, 403.112 (1) (f)
  Negotiation by, 403.202
  Notice of dishonor, prerequisite to charge indorser, 403.501
  Order of liability of indorsers, 403.414
  Restrictive, 403.205
  Conversion, 403.419 (4)
  Effect, 403.206
  Right of transferee, 403.201
  Special, 403.204
  Warranties, 403.417
  Wrong name, 403.203
Instalment payments, sum certain, 403.106
Instruments, other writings affecting, 403.119
  Payable at bank, 403.121
  Payable through bank, 403.120
Interest, accrual of cause of action, 403.122 (4)
  Ambiguous terms, 403.118 (4)
  Payments in default, notice of claim to purchasers, 403.304 (4)
  Sum certain, 403.106
  Tender of payment discharges parties, 403.604 (1)
International sight draft, letter of advice, 403.701
Investment securities,
see subhead 6. Investment Securities
Joint liability, construing paper as establishing, 403.118 (5)
Judgments, terms affecting negotiability, 403.112 (1) (d)
Judicial sales, purchase of instrument, not holder in due course, 403.302 (3)
Letter of advice of international sight draft, 403.701
Letters of credit,
see subhead 7. Letters of Credit
Limited interest, purchase of, 403.302 (4)
Lost paper, action on, 403.804
Mail, fraud, indorsement induced by, 403.405 (1) (a)
  Presentment by, 403.504 (2)
Maker, contract of, 403.413
Mark, signature by, 403.401 (2)
Material alteration, incomplete instrument, 403.115 (2)
Maturity, accrual of cause of action, 403.122
  Presentment, notice of dishonor, and protest not necessary to charge one indorsing after maturity, 403.501 (4)
Minors, rescission of negotiation, 403.207
Misspelled name, 403.203
Modification of terms, 403.119
Money, chapter not applicable to, 403.103
  Paper payable in, 403.107
Names, signature, liability, 403.401
  Wrong or misspelled, 403.203
Negligence, alteration, contribution to, 403.406
  Unauthorized signature, contribution to, 403.406
Negotiability, generally, 403.112 to 403.114
Negotiable instruments, defined, 403.104
Negotiation, 403.202
  Effective although it may be rescinded, 403.207
Notary public, protest by, 403.509
Note, negotiability or nonnegotiability, 403.104
Notice, claim or defense by purchaser, 403.304
  To third party, 403.803
Notice of dishonor, 403.501, 403.508
  Excused, when, 403.511
  Guaranty as affecting necessity, 403.416 (5)
Obligation for which given, effect of instrument on, 403.802
Officers, description of payee as officer, 403.117
  Instruments payable to, 403.110 (1)
  Signatures, 403.403 (3)
Omissions not affecting negotiability, 403.112
  Paper not payable to, 403.805
  Payable to, 403.110
  Unconditional, what is, 403.105
Order of liability of indorsers, 403.414
Parol evidence of accommodation, 403.415 (3)
Partial assignment, indorsement as, 403.202
Partial payment, right to require receipt, 403.505 (1) (d)
Partnership, notice of dishonor, 403.508 (5)
  Payable to order, 403.110 (1)
  Unconditional promise or order in paper of, what is, 403.105 (1) (h)
Payable through bank, 403.120
Payable to bearer, 403.111
Payable to order, 403.110