Financial intermediary as, 408.313
  Lost, destroyed or stolen certificated securities, 408.405 (3)
  Title acquired by, 408.302
  Unauthorized signature on certificated security or initial transaction statement, 408.205
Broker, defined, 408.303
  Transfer, 408.314
Bylaws, copy as notice of matters affecting transfer, 408.402 (4)
Calls, registered owners, liabilities of, 408.207 (7)
  Revoked, 408.203 (2)
Central depository system, transfer or pledge within, 408.320
Certificated securities, Ch. 408
  Completion or alteration, 408.206
  Creditors' rights, 408.317
  Effect of delivery without endorsement, 408.307
  Effect of endorsement without delivery, 408.309
  Endorsement of, in bearer form, 408.310
  Exchangeability of securities, 408.407
  Issuer's lien, 408.103
  Lost, destroyed or stolen, 408.405
  Restrictions on transfer, 408.204
  Unauthorized signature on, 408.205
Circuit court may order stock transfer, 182.25
Completion of certificated security or initial transaction statement, 408.206
Conditional delivery as defense, 408.202 (4)
Conversion, none by good faith conduct, 408.318
Cooperatives, applicability of ch. 408, 185.25
Creditors' rights, 408.317
Damages for overissue, 408.104 (1) (b)
Defect, notice of, 408.202, 408.203
Defenses, notice of, 408.202, 408.203
Delivery, adverse claims, 408.313 (3)
  Endorsement without delivery, 408.309
  Without endorsement, effect, 408.307
Destroyed certificated securities, 408.405
Endorsement, assurance of effectiveness, 408.402
  Certificated security in bearer form, 408.310
  Guaranty of, 408.312 (5)
  How made, 408.308
  Partial, 408.308 (3)Right to compel,408.307
  Unauthorized, effect, 408.311
  Without delivery effect, 408.309
Endorser not guarantor, 408.308 (9)
Exchangeability of securities, 408.407
Fiduciaries, endorsement by, 408.308
  Transfer, duty of inquiry, 408.403 (3)
Financial intermediary, definition, 408.313 (4)
Fraud, rights acquired by transferee participating in, 408.302 (4)
Genuineness, lack of as a defense, 408.202 (3)
Governmental agency, issuance by, 408.202 (2)
Guarantor as issuer, 408.201 (2)
Guaranty of endorsement, 408.312 (5)
Indemnification, bond of adverse claimant, 408.403 (2) (b)
Initial transaction statement, completion or alteration, 408.206
  To whom, 408.408 (4)
  Unauthorized signature on, 408.205
Injunctions, transfer, 408.315 (3)
Instructions, assurance of effectiveness, 408.402
  Effect of unauthorized, 408.311
  Guarantee of, 408.312
  Originators of, warranties, 408.306
Intermediary, warranty by, 408.306 (3)
Issuer, defined, 408.201
  Duty to inquire into certificated security presented for registration, 408.403
  Duty to register transfer, pledge or release, 408.401
  Lien of, 408.103
  Power to require assurance of effectiveness of endorsements, 408.402
  Registration, liabilities, 408.404
  Responsibilities and defenses, 408.202
  Restrictions on transfer by, 408.204
  Rights and duties re registered owners and pledgees, 408.207
Law governing, 408.106, 408.109
Levy upon security, 408.317
Liability for registration, 408.404
Lien of issuer, 408.103
Limited interest transferee, 408.301 (2)
Lost certificated securities, 408.405
Negotiability of securities, 408.105
  Housing and economic development authority notes and bonds, 234.08 (4)
Nondelivery as a defense, 408.202 (4)
Notice, adverse claims, 408.304, 408.305, 408.403
  Defect or defense, 408.202, 408.203
Overissue, effect of, 408.104
Partial endorsement, 408.308 (3)
Partnership, copy of articles as notice of matters affecting transfer, 408.402 (4)
Pledge, duty of issuer to register, 408.401
  Proof of authority, 408.316
  Registration and release; uncertificated securities, 408.108
  Statements of uncertificated securities, 408.408