Perfecting security interest, multiple state transactions, 409.103 (6)
  Registration of pledge and release, 408.108
  Restrictions on transfer, 408.204
  Statement of, 408.408
  Warranties of originators of instructions, 408.306
Voting rights of registered owners, 408.207 (1)
Warranties, arising from guaranty endorsement, signature or instruction, 408.312
  Authenticating trustee, registrar or transfer agent, 408.208
  Of originators of instructions, 408.306
  On presentment and transfer of certificated securities, 408.306
Wills, copy as notice of matters affecting transfer, 408.402 (4)
commercial code 7. letters of credit7. Letters of Credit
, Ch. 405
Action for improper dishonor or anticipatory repudiation, 405.115
Advising bank, 405.107
  Insolvency, 405.117
Anticipatory repudiation, remedy for, 405.115
Assignment, 405.116
Beneficiary, establishment of credit, 405.106
  Improper dishonor or anticipatory repudiation, remedy, 405.115
Cancellation, remedy, 405.115 (2)
Claims, relinquishment, 405.110 (2)
Confirming bank, insolvency, 405.117
  Obligation assumed by, 405.107 (2)
Consent, modification or revocation of credit, 405.106 (2), (3)
Consideration, necessity of, 405.105
Customer, assumption of risks in connection with, 405.107 (4)
  Establishment of credit, 405.106
  Issuer's obligation to, 405.109
Damages for improper dishonor, 405.115 (1)
Defects covered by indemnity agreement, 405.113 (2)
Definitions, 405.103
Dishonor, improper, 405.115
  Rights of seller, 402.325
  Time allowed for, 405.112
Documents, indemnity agreement, application to defects, 405.113 (2)
Establishment of credit, 405.106
Evidence of notation credit, 405.108 (2) (b)
Exhaustion of credit, 405.108
Formal requirements, 405.104
Fraud as affecting issuer's duty to honor, 405.114 (2)
Genuineness of document, issuer's liability for, 405.109 (2)
Honor, consent to withholding of, 405.112 (1) (b)
  Indemnity to induce, 405.113
  Insolvency of bank, 405.117
  Issuer's duty and privilege as to, 405.114
  Time allowed for, 405.112
Indemnities, 405.113
Injunction against honor, 405.114 (2) (b)
Insolvency of bank holding funds for documentary credit, 405.117
Issuer, duty to honor, 405.114
  Obligation to customer, 405.109
  Reimbursement, 405.106, 405.114
Lien, presenter's reservation of, 405.110 (2)
Loss or destruction of instrument, issuer's liability for, 405.109 (1) (b)
Messages, assumption of risks in connection with, 405.107 (4)
Modification, consent, 405.106 (2), (3)
  Consideration, necessity of, 405.105
  Signing of, 405.104
Negotiation, indemnity to induce, 405.113
Notation credit, 405.108
Notice, modification or revocation, 405.106
Partial use of credit, 405.110
Presenter, defined, 405.112 (4)
  Reservation of lien or claim, 405.110 (2)
Presentment, warranties on, 405.111
Priority as between good faith purchasers, 405.108 (3) (b)
Reimbursement, 405.106 (4)
  Indemnity to induce, 405.113
  Issuer's right to, 405.114 (3)
Remedy for improper dishonor or anticipatory repudiation, 405.115
Revocation, 405.106
Scope of chapter, 405.102
Security interest, perfection of, 409.305
Short title, 405.101
Signing, 405.104
Telegram as credit, 405.104 (2)
Time, establishment of credit, 405.106
  Honor or rejection, time for, 405.112 (1)
Transfer, 405.116
  Warranties on, 405.111
Usage, issuer's obligations to customer as affected by, 405.109 (3)
Warranties, notation credit, 405.108
  Transfer, 405.111
Writing required, 405.104
commercial code 8. sales8. Sales
, Ch. 402
Acceptance, 402.606
  Draft, documents delivered, 402.514
  Effect of, 402.607
  Improper delivery, 402.601