Risk of loss, 402.509, 402.510
  Shipment by, 402.504
  Stop delivery, 402.703
  Stoppage in transit, 402.705
  Tender of delivery, 402.503, 402.507
Several lots, delivery in, 402.307
Shipment by seller, 402.504
  Under reservation, 402.505
Shipment of goods, acceptance of sales contract by, 402.206 (1) (b)
  Option as to, 402.311 (2)
Short title, 402.101
Single lots, delivery in, 402.307
Specification of performance, 402.311
Specifications, inconsistent sample or model, 402.317
  Warranty of seller as affected by compliance with, 402.312 (3)
Specific performance, 402.716
Statute of frauds, application to personal property sale transactions, 401.206
  Application to sales contract, 402.201
Statute of limitations, 402.725
Stoppage of delivery in transit, 402.705
Tender, manner of seller's delivery, 402.503
  Payment, 402.511
Third parties, inspection of goods, 402.515
  Liability for injury to goods, 402.722
Time, rejection of goods, 402.602 (1)
  Revocation of acceptance, 402.608
  Tender of delivery, 402.503 (1)
Title, passing, 402.327 (1), 402.401
  Power to transfer, 402.403
  Warranty, 402.312
Transferability of goods, 402.105
Unconscionable contract, enforcement, 402.302
Unfinished goods, seller's rights upon breach, 402.704
Usage of trade, implied warranty, 402.314, 402.316 (3)
Waiver, 402.209
  Rejection, 402.605
  Sales contract, 402.208 (3)
Warranties, 402.312
  Construction of, 402.317
  Encumbrances, 402.312
  Express, creation, 402.313
  Implied, 95.195, 402.314
  Infringement, 402.312
  Liens, freedom from, 402.312
  Limitation, 402.316
  Notice of breach, 402.607 (3)
  Third party beneficiaries, 402.318
commercial code 9. secured transactions9. Secured Transactions
, Ch. 409
Accessions, priority of security interest, 409.314
Accounts, exclusion of sale of accounts from chapter, 409.104 (6)
  Filing assignment of, 409.302 (1)
  Jurisdiction, 409.103
  Sale of, scope of chapter, 409.102 (1) (b), 409.104 (6)
  Use or disposition of collateral without accounting permissible, 409.205
Advances, after-acquired property, 409.108
After-acquired collateral, antecedent debt, 409.108
After-acquired property, 409.204
  Security interest in, 409.108
Agreement not to assert defenses against assignee, 409.206
Agricultural products, security interest, enforcement, 409.203
Airplanes, 409.103 (3)
Alienability of debtor's rights, 409.311
Amendment of financing statement, 409.402 (4)
  Filing, 409.403 (8)
Antecedent debt, after-acquired collateral, 409.108
Assignment, agreement not to assert defenses against assignee, 409.206
  Application of chapter, 409.102 (2)
Attachment of security interest, 409.203 (3)
  Time of perfecting, 409.303
Bona fide purchasers, priority of, 409.309
Bulk transfer law, applicability of, 409.111
  Transferee, subordination of rights, 409.301
Buyer of goods, protection of, 409.307
Cash proceeds, definition, 409.306 (1)
Certificate of title, perfection, law governing, 409.103 (2)
Certification of copy of document by filing officer, 409.407
Chattel paper, exclusion of sale of chattel paper from chapter, 409.104 (6)
  Filing to perfect security interest in, 409.304 (1)
  Perfecting security interest in, 409.305
  Priorities, 409.301 (1) (c)
  Of purchaser, 409.308
Chattel trust, application of chapter to, 409.102 (2)
Checks as included in cash proceeds, 409.306 (1)
Classification of goods, 409.109
Collateral, after-acquired, antecedent debt, 409.108
  Commingle, 409.205
  Compulsory disposition of, 409.505
  Debtor's right to redeem, 409.506
  Discharge of obligation by acceptance of, 409.505