Cancellation, 402.703, 402.711
  Effect on claims for antecedent breach, 402.720
C. & F. terms, 402.320
  Overseas shipment, 402.323
  Payment, 402.321
Cash sales, 402.403 (1)
Casualty to identified goods, 402.613
Checks, payment by, effect of dishonor, 402.511 (3)
C.I.F. terms, 402.320
  Overseas shipment, 402.323
Claims, adjustment, 402.515
C.O.D., inspection of goods prior to payment, 402.513 (3)
Collateral promises, breach, 402.701
Commission, merchant buyer on sale after rejection of goods, 402.603 (2)
Confiscated game and apparatus, 29.06 (1)
Consequential damages, buyer's right to, 402.715
  Limitation, 402.719
Consideration, modification of contract, 402.209
Consignment sales, rights of creditors, 402.326
Contract, acceptance, shipment as accommodation to buyer, 402.206 (1) (b)
  Application of statute of frauds, 402.201
  Assignment of rights, 402.210
  Conduct of parties as recognition of existence of, 402.207 (3)
  Conforming to, 402.106
  Course of performance as aid in construction, 402.208
  Effect of affixing seal to, 402.203
  Exclusive dealings, 402.306 (2)
  Formation, generally, 402.204
  Form of, 402.201 to 402.210
  Modification, 402.209
  Notice of termination, 402.309 (3)
  Offer to contract, construction, 402.206 (1)
  Open price term, 402.305
  Output of seller as term, 402.306 (1)
  Parol evidence to vary final terms, 402.202
  Performance, delegation of, 402.210
  Requirements, 402.201
  Unconscionable, 402.302
  Waiver, 402.208 (3), 402.209
Conversion, rejected goods, 402.603 (3)
  Salvage of rejected goods, 402.604
Cover by buyer, 402.711 (1), 402.712
Creditors, goods held on approval or on sale or return as subject to claims of, 402.326 (2), (3)
  Seller's creditors' rights against sold goods, 402.402
Credit period, duration, 402.310
Crops, sales contract, 402.105 (1), 402.107 (2)
Custom or usage, implied warranty, 402.314, 402.316
Damages, action for price, 402.709
  Breach of warranty, 402.714
  Buyer's procurement of substitute goods, 402.712
  Cancellation construed, 402.720
  Consequential damages, 402.715
  Cover, 402.711, 402.712
  Deduction from price, 402.717
  Incidental damages, 402.710, 402.715
  Limitation, 402.718
  Liquidation of, 402.718
  Market price, determination of, 402.713, 402.723
  Modification, 402.719
  Nonacceptance of goods, 402.708
  Nondelivery of goods, 402.713
  Person in position of seller may recover, 402.707 (2)
  Repudiation of contract, 402.708, 402.713
  Rescission construed, 402.720
Defects, documents, payment as waiver, 402.605 (2)
  Documents, reimbursement of financing agency, 402.506 (2)
Definitions, 402.103
  Agreement, 402.106
  Banker's credit, 402.325 (3)
  Between merchants, 402.104
  Cancellation, 402.106
  C. & F., 402.320 (1)
  C.I.F., 402.320 (1)
  Commercial unit, 402.105 (1)
  Confirmed credit, 402.325
  Contract (assignment), 402.210 (3), (4)
  Contract, 402.106
  Conforming to, 402.106
  Contracts for sale, 402.106
  Entrusting, 402.403 (3)
  Ex-ship, 402.322 (1)
  F.A.S., 402.319 (2)
  Financing agency, 402.104
  F.O.B., 402.319 (1)
  Future goods, 402.105 (1)
  Goods, 402.105 (1)
  Letters of credit, 402.325 (3)
  Lot, 402.105 (1)
  Merchant, 402.104