Local government property insurance fund, inadequacy of fund, issue warrant as transfer from general fund, 605.30
  Loss, warrant, 605.23 (1)
Low-level radioactive waste council, duties, 16.135
Management audits, 16.004 (6)
Maps of congressional and legislative district boundaries, 16.96
Medium security prison, validation of acquisition of Milwaukee property, 992.10
Memorial hall, provide rooms, 45.01
Motor carrier tax wrongfully collected, 194.51
Natural resources hearings and appeals, 227.43
  Notice, 227.43
  Payment for hearing examiner services, 227.43 (4)
Nursing home hearings and appeals division, creation, administrator, 15.103
Organization of department, 16.001
Pamphlet laws, cost, 35.19
Parole commission,
Payments to local governments for public services, negotiate, 70.119
Population estimates, duties of department, 16.96
Printing, accounts, paper, costs, 35.62
  Base prices, 35.56
  Bids, advertising for, 35.57
  Bills, itemized, filing, 35.61 (2)
  Books, 35.44
  Classification, paper, 35.03 (8), (9)
  Cost calculation, 35.80
  Costs and charges, 35.035
  Council, membership, 15.107 (3)
  Powers and duties, 16.825 (1)
  County distributees lists, 35.89
  Delivery, 35.61 (1)
  Distribution, to whom, 35.84, 35.85
  Editing of copy, 35.55
  Employes, 35.04
  Expense, how charged, 35.63
  Increase or diminution of editions, 35.52
  Pamphlets and magazines, 35.29
  Paper, accountability, 35.65
  Purchase, 35.65
  Quality of, to determine, 35.50
  Parts of reports or decisions, 35.28
  Powers of department, 35.03
  Printer's copy with requisition, 35.55
  Proofs, 35.51
  Report to joint committee on finance, 35.03 (6)
  Sales, price list, 35.91
  Second editions, may order, 35.03 (7)
  Special purchases, 35.64
  Specialty, 35.44
  Specifications, 35.56
  Unused by state, return ordered, 35.90
Publications, cost calculation, 35.80
  Distribution, sale, 35.91
Public documents, copies to historical society, 44.06
  Distribution, 44.06
  Distribution and sale costs and charges, 35.78
Public printing,
see Printing, under this subhead
Public records and forms board, creation, 15.105 (4)
  Membership, 15.105 (4)
  Powers and duties, 16.61
Public welfare institutions, preaudit supervision, 46.09 (3)
Purpose, 16.003 (1)
Radioactive waste (low-level) council, creation, membership, 15.107 (9)
Radioactive waste, midwest low-level interstate compact, 16.10 to 16.13
  State policy regarding long-term disposal, 36.50
Radioactive waste review board,
Real estate transfer fees, overpayment, 77.26 (5)
Reassessments, compensation and fees, claims paid, 70.82
Records management service, 16.62
Reports, health and educational facilities authority, 231.19
  Housing and economic development authority, 234.25
  Information, recommendations, 16.004 (2)
Resource recovery and recycling program, 16.15
Rural planning, 27.015
  Agency drafts or warrants, 20.929
  Appointment of staff, 16.003 (2)
  Appointment, supervisory power, 15.10
  Books and accounts of agencies, right to examine, 16.004 (4)
  Cash flow plan, report, 16.531
  Contingent funds established by agencies, duties, 20.920
  Executive assistant, appointment, duties, 15.05 (3)
  Approval, 15.05 (5)
  Investigations and hearings, 16.004 (3)
  Investment board member, 15.76 (1)
  Nonprofit corporations (state), advise, 16.60 (3)
  Oath, 15.05 (4)
  Operating note redemption fund, 18.75 (4)
  Operating notes, enter agreements to maintain accounting, 16.004 (9)
  Requests for issuance, 16.405 (2)
  Personnel management information system, establish, report on, 16.004 (7)