Avoidance of duplication in electric facilities, 196.495
Bankruptcy order, filing and recording, 185.55
see Directors, under this head
Books and records, 185.47
Borrowing money, 182.025, 185.03 (4)
  Adoption or amendment, 185.07
  Authority to make or alter, 185.03 (8)
  Voting methods, 185.12 (6)
Chiropractic, 185.981
Class voting, 185.52
Collective bargaining, 133.09
Compensation and benefits, directors, officers and employes, 185.36
Consolidation, 185.61, 185.62
Consumer transactions, exclusion, 421.202
Contracts, 185.41 to 185.44
  Application of statute, 185.44
  Assignment of funds, 185.41 (4)
  Authorized types, term, validity, 185.41 (1)
  Damages for breach or interference, 185.43
  Filing, fees, effect, 185.42
  Injunctive relief, 185.43
  Liquidated damages, 185.41 (3)
  Power to make, 185.03 (4)
  Remedy, breach or interference, 185.43 (2)
  Statement of termination, 185.42 (5)
  Venue of actions, 185.44
Control of stock, 185.21
Conversion, corporation to cooperative, 185.64
  To nonstock corporation, 181.485
  Conversion to cooperative, 185.64
  Defined, 185.01
  Discriminating against cooperative, penalty, 185.95
Creditors, actions to liquidate, claims, 185.73
Credit unions, Ch. 186
  Use of term cooperative, 185.94
Damages for breach or interference, 185.43
Defense of ultra vires, 185.92
Defined, 185.01
Definitions of terms, 185.01
Dental care, 185.981 to 185.985
Derivative actions, 185.93
  Apportionment and distribution of proceeds, 185.45
  Compensation and benefits to directors, officers and employes, 185.36
  Discharging duties, consideration of interests in addition to members' and stockholders' interests, 185.365
  Election, number, removals, vacancies, 185.31
  Executive committee, 185.33
  And insurance against securities law claims, 185.042
  Court-ordered, 185.039
  Determination of right to, 185.036
  Mandatory, 185.035, 185.038
  Informal action, 185.34
  Liability, 185.367, 185.37
  Maintain insurance, 185.041
  Meetings, quorum, notice, waiver, 185.32
  Organization meeting, 185.06 (1)
  Party to proceeding, allowance of expenses as incurred, 185.037, 185.038
  Quorum, 185.32 (2)
  Reliance by on information, etc., 185.363
  Temporary board, 185.05 (1) (m), 185.31 (3)
Discrimination against by corporations, 185.95
Dissolution and liquidation, 185.71 to 185.76
  Amounts due unknown persons, 185.75
  Articles of dissolution, 185.71 (4), (5)
  Claims, filing, 185.73 (3)
  Court supervision of liquidation, 185.73
  Decree of dissolution, filing, 185.73 (4)
  Involuntary dissolution, 185.72
  Liquidation, 185.73
  Property not distributed prior to dissolution, 185.74
  Statute of limitations, 185.71 (6)
  Survival of remedy after dissolution, 185.76
  Voluntary dissolution, 185.71
Distributions, proceeds, 185.45
Division of cooperative, 185.63
Donations, power to make, 185.03 (9)
Earnings, apportionment and distribution, 185.45
Educational fund, 93.06 (6)
Effective date of 1955 act, 185.96
Election of directors, 185.31 (3)
Election of officers, 185.35
  Action concerning real estate, exception to limitation statute, 893.33 (5)
  License fees, taxation, 76.48
  Rural, service to nonfarm members, 196.495