Traffic safety commissions, 83.013
Transportation aids, annual adjustments in jurisdictional mileage, 86.302 (4)
  Cost reports, 86.303
  Distribution, 86.30
  Jurisdictional mileage determinations, file, 86.302 (4)
  Population estimates for determining aids, 86.33
Uniform marking, 83.025
Yield signs, authority to install, 349.07 (7)
Abuse or neglect of residents, 940.29
Adjoining county, home may be in, 46.205
Administration, 46.18
Board of trustees, 46.18
Commitment, 49.15
Employes, 46.19
Establishment, government, 49.14
Inpatient health care facilities, licensing and approval fees, exemption, 140.86
Joint home and sanatorium, 149.02
Joint institutions, 46.20
Maintenance of dependents by county, 49.15
Minimum standards, 46.175
Oaths, trustees administer, 49.14 (4)
Plans and specifications, examination, approval, 46.16, 46.17
Superintendent, 46.19
Supervision and inspection, 46.16, 46.17
Uniform accounting system to be used, 49.14 (5)
COUNTY 10. Hospitals10. Hospitals
Aged physically disabled, home in adjoining county, 46.205
  Infirmaries, 49.171 to 49.174
County-city, 66.47
County-village, 66.47 (14)
Establishment, admissions, 49.16, 49.17
Infirmaries, 49.171 to 49.174
Maintenance of dependents by county, 49.16
Mental patients, 51.09
  County can be guardian, 59.07 (86), 880.295 (1), 880.60 (4)
Milwaukee county, 46.21, 51.08
Minimum standards, 46.175
Uniform accounting system to be used, 49.16 (3)
COUNTY 11. Officers and Employes11. Officers and Employes
Actions against, damages, costs, 895.46
  Expenses, 895.35
Administrator, coordinator, designation, duties, 59.034
Administrator, administration dept., appointment and supervisory power, 59.035 (2)
  Board of health, appointment, 140.09
  Budgetary procedure, 59.84 (1)
  Corporation counsel, appoint, supervise, remove, 59.07 (44) (b)
  County abstractor, appointment, supervision, 59.58 (1) (b)
  Election or appointment, duties, removal, 59.033
  Health commission, appointment, 141.01 (2)
  Health officers, appointment, 140.09, 141.01 (3)
Assessor, 70.99
  Appointment, 59.07 (58), 70.99 (1)
  Certification, 73.09
  Discontinue, 70.99 (14)
  Review of assessments, 70.47 (3) (a)
Assistant corporation counsel, 59.07 (44)
Attorneys, support enforcement responsibility, 59.458
Auditor, 59.72
Automobile allowance, how paid, 59.80
Blanket bonds, 59.07 (2)
Board, may change number, salary, 59.15
Bonds, 19.01, 59.13
  Filing, 59.17 (14)
  Payment of premium, 19.01 (8)
  Suit on, 19.015
Chief executive officer, approve or veto resolutions or ordinances, proceedings, IV, 23a
Child welfare services, 48.56 to 48.59
Civil service, 59.07 (20), 63.01 to 63.17
Combination positions, Menominee county, 59.12
Community work experience program council, 49.50 (7j)
Corporation counsel, 59.07 (44)
  Attorney designee, 59.457
  Claims, settle, 59.07 (3)
County executive, administration dept., appointment and supervisory power, 59.035 (2)
  Board of health, appointment, 140.09
  Budgetary procedure, 59.84 (1)
  Corporation counsel, appoint, supervise, remove, 59.07 (44) (b)
  County abstractor, appointment, supervision, 59.58 (1) (b)
  Duties, powers, compensation, abolishment, 59.031
  Health commission, appointment, 141.01 (2)
  Health officers, appointment, 140.09, 141.01 (3)
Dance supervisor, 175.20
Deferred compensation plan, 40.81, 40.82, 66.04 (2) (b)
Deputy sheriff, liability for acts, legal service, 895.46
  Payment of judgments against, 895.46
District attorney,
Elected, salary increases during term, 66.197