Cancellation, after 2 years, 59.77
  Book and record, 66.081
Disbursements or withdrawal of public deposits, 34.105
Judgment on, 67.26
Order of payment, 59.20 (3)
Reissue, 59.81
Signing by county clerk, 59.17 (3)
Taxes paid in, 59.20 (3)
Uncalled for, cancellation, 59.81
When issued, 59.81
COUNTY 13. Park Commission13. Park Commission
Alleys, streets or highways, control, 27.05 (8)
Appointments, filing, 27.02
Compensation, 59.07 (43)
County supervisor members of park commission, termination of term, 27.02 (1)
County system of parks and parkways, 27.065
Grants and bequests, to accept, 27.05
Lands leased for agricultural fairs, 27.05
Manager, 27.03 (2), 27.04, 27.065
  Powers, 27.05
Oath, 27.02
Offices for, county board to provide, 27.03
Organization, power, 27.03
Park fund, moneys, paid into, 27.05
Powers, 27.05
Preliminary survey, 27.04
Records, open to inspection, 27.03
Reports to county board, 27.04
Special improvement bonds, 27.065
Stream pollution control, 27.05 (7)
Study, map and plan county parks, 27.04
Term, 27.02
Trees and shrubs, to care for, 27.05 (5)
Weed control in waters, 27.05 (7)
Acquisition and financing, 27.065
Apportionment of special assessment, 27.065 (13)
Appropriation, 27.06
Change in restricted use of land, 27.065 (15)
Dams erected in, 59.07 (1)
Division of tract, assessment apportioned, 27.065 (13)
Highway committee to reapportion special assessments, 27.065 (13)
Municipal park powers, county board may exercise, 27.075
Notice to lay, extend or vacate, 840.11
Operation, 27.015
Property, tax exemption, exception, 70.11 (2)
Sewage disposal, 27.05 (1)
Sidewalks, repair, 27.065 (4)
Special assessments, 27.065
COUNTY 15. Records15. Records
Brown county, as evidence, 2.05
County clerks, keep, 59.71
Custodians (legal), 59.07 (6)
Destruction, 19.21 (5), 59.715 to 59.717
Evidence, receivable as, 891.11 (1)
Examination by public, forfeiture, 59.14
Forest county, evidence, 2.06
Form, county board to prescribe, 59.07 (6)
Iron county, evidence, 2.06
Legal custodians, 59.07 (6)
Menominee county, transfer to, 2.08
  Affiliated historical society, custody, 44.03 (6)
  Historical society to preserve, 44.09
Obsolete, destruction, 59.715 to 59.717
  Transfer to historical society, 59.716
Rebinding, transcribing, certificate, fee, 59.71
Recording and copying, 228.07
Register of deeds, access to, 59.14 (3), (4)
Retention time, 16.61 (3) (e)
Rusk county, evidence, 2.07
Tract indexes, county board may adopt, 59.55
COUNTY 18. Surveyor18. Surveyor
Bond and oath, 59.13
Certificate of as evidence, 59.64
Deputies, appointment, removal, 59.59
Duties, 59.60
  As to landmarks, 59.635
Election, term, 59.12
Employment, 59.12
Office, location, when open, 59.14 (1)
Penalty, for failure to do duty, 59.66
Perpetuation of landmarks, 59.635
Salary, 59.65
Section corners, relocation, 59.63
Statute of limitations, damages for errors, 893.37
Substitute, when appointed, 59.64
Town survey, contract for, bond, 60.84
Vacancy, filling, 17.21