Office created, members ineligible, 66.11
Office hours, control of, 59.14
Office room for district income tax office and tax appeals commission, 73.07
Officers and employes, number, salaries, fees, 59.15
Offices, create or abolish, 59.15
Oil and gas leases, 59.07 (1) (c)
Ordinances, adoption, form, 59.02
  Publication, 59.09
  Safety at sporting events, 59.07 (144)
Organization meeting in spring, 59.04
Park commission, compensation, 59.07 (43)
  Offices, 27.03
Parking areas, establish, regulate, 59.07 (1m)
Parks, and parkways, systems, 27.065
  Appropriation, 27.06
  Powers as to, 27.065
  Reapportionment of benefits, 27.065
Patriotic celebrations, appropriation, 59.07 (19)
Pay, members, election, terms, 59.03
Peace and order, ordinances, 59.07 (64)
Peddler's license, 59.07 (18m)
Pension sheriff's family, 59.07 (15)
Planning and zoning commission, compensation, 59.07 (43)
Planning and zoning committee or commission, 59.97 (2)
Powers, construction of, 59.026
  General, 59.07
Printing in local tax rolls, 59.07 (62)
Private roads and driveways, snow removal, 86.105
Proceedings, publication, 59.09
Public access to waters, discontinuing, 80.41
Publication, ordinances and proceedings, 59.09
Publications on governmental problems, purchase, 59.07 (28)
Public emergency, declare regarding repair or reconstruction of public facilities, 59.08
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, dissolution, 33.35
  Petition requesting establishment, 33.25
Public works contracts, 59.08
Purchases and purchasing agent, 59.07 (7)
Quorum, 59.02 (3)
Radio service for fire protection, 59.07 (63)
Real property lister, provide for, duties, 70.09 (1), (2)
Recording state land patents, 24.251
Records, designate custodians, 59.07 (6)
  Prescribe form, 59.07 (6)
Recreation, development of facilities, application for aid, 23.09 (11)
  Facilities, 59.07 (1) (d)
  Promotion, committee, 59.07 (26)
Recycling or resource recovery facilities, acquisition without bids, 59.07 (134)
Referendum, advisory and contingent, 59.07 (67)
Rehabilitation facilities, establish, 59.07 (76)
Rent, absconding without paying, 59.07 (108)
Rents, return to municipalities, 59.07 (73)
Represent county, 59.07 (5)
Resolutions, adoption, 59.02
Riding horses, regulation, 59.07 (50)
Road and bridge fund, tax levy, 83.065
Rules, infraction, 59.04
Rural numbering system, 59.07 (65)
Salary, members, 59.03
  Officers and employes, 59.15, 66.197
Sale of property, may direct, 59.07 (1) (c)
Sanitary code, 59.07 (51)
School attendance, enact ordinance, 59.07 (105)
School bus warning lights, regulate use, 349.21
School crossing guards, appointment, 349.215
Secondhand cars, regulation, 59.07 (38)
Secure detention facilities for children, 48.22
Select agricultural society for state aid, 93.23 (1)
Self-organized counties, 59.03 (1)
Senior citizen groups, appropriation for promoting, 59.07 (93)
Shelter care facilities for children, 48.22
Sheriff, establish higher fees, 814.705
  Establish salary, 59.15 (1) (a) 2
Social service and mental hygiene budget, advisory committee, 46.031
Social services administration, 46.22
Soil and water conservation:
  Appropriations, 59.879
, Ch. 92
Soil conservation, 59.07 (137)
Solar access permits, 66.032
Solar energy systems, control of vegetation blocking, 66.033
Solid waste management, disposal facilities, local approval, 144.44 (1m), 144.445
  Engage in, 59.07 (135)
  Negotiation and arbitration, 144.445
  Recycling or resource recovery facilities, establish, 59.07 (133)
Solid waste management plan, adopt, 144.437 (1)
Special meeting, how called and noticed, 59.04 (2)
Spring meeting, 59.04
Streets, in towns, alter or vacate, 236.445
Suggestions award program for employes, establish, 59.15 (2) (e)