Sex offenders, revocation discretionary, 343.30 (2d)
Natural resources forfeiture actions, proceedings in court, 23.75
Neglect to adjourn; harmless, 757.10
Note taking by jury, 805.13 (2)
Numbers, how expressed, 757.18
Oaths, administer to witnesses, 757.01
Officers, arrest, limited exemption, 757.26
Out-of-court orders, who may make, 807.02
Papers, size required to file, 801.145
Paternity determination action, inform parties at first appearance, 767.458
Penalty, assessment levy, children not assessed, exception, 48.37
  Utilized for law enforcement training fund, 165.87 (2)
Penalty assessment levy, utilized for law enforcement training fund, 165.87 (2)
Personnel, options, 753.07 (4), (5)
Pleadings, court may dispense with in certain cases, 801.14 (3)
Pretrial conference, 879.45 (7)
  May be by telephone, 802.11
Probation, 973.09
Proceedings held in open court when oral testimony to be presented, 807.04
Purchases for judicial branch, 16.74
Reciprocal enforcement of support, 767.65
Referee, appoint, 805.06 (1)
Reports, children's code proceedings, 48.33, 48.331
Rules of practice,
Scheduling conference, may be by telephone, 802.10
Sentence, commencement, 973.15
  Community service work, 973.03 (3)
  Concurrent to term in federal or other state prison, 973.15 (3)
  Consecutive, 973.15
  Series of periods of imprisonment, 973.03 (5), 973.15 (8)
  Stay of execution, 973.15 (8)
  To jail in another county, 973.03
  To state prison, 973.013, 973.15
Servicemen's tax obligations, suspension, 45.53
Sexually transmitted diseases, compulsory treatment of infected person, 143.07 (5)
Sittings public, exception, 757.14
Small claims actions,
Soldiers, reemployment, enforcement, 45.50
Special courts, judgments, prior to 1962, 806.155
Specific performance, incompetents' contracts, 786.02 to 786.05
Stay of proceedings to permit trial in foreign forum, 801.63
Subpoenas, issue, 757.01
Sundays, holding court on, 757.15
Support orders, court can execute assignments, 767.265
Taxes of other states, action to collect, 757.47
Telephone and audio-visual proceedings, 807.13, 807.14
Testimony, reporting, 757.55, 767.12 (1)
Transportation department, report convictions to, 343.28
Trust interest of incompetent, conveyance, 786.01
Tuberculosis, commitment of infected persons, 143.04
Unclaimed property held by, 177.13
Vacancy not to affect suits, 757.08
Venue, change, discretionary, 801.52
  Children's code proceedings, 48.185
  Civil actions or special proceedings, 801.50
  Determination of motion for change, 801.53
  Improper, challenges to, 801.51
Verdict against party after death is void, 803.10 (5)
Verdict by five-sixths of jury, 805.09 (2)
Verdict prepared by, 805.12 (1)
Videotape procedure,
Vital statistics, petition, correction of obvious errors, 69.10 (2)
Ward's estate, control of, 786.12
Ward's lands, sale, mortgage, lease, 786.07
Wharves and piers, order for removal, contesting, 66.0495, 893.765
When to be held, 753.22
Witnesses, court appointed, 907.06
Writs, devise necessary, 757.01
Zoning cases, county, review, 59.99 (10)