Certified record of conviction of habitual traffic offender, 351.03
  Child or spousal support, failure, 948.22 (4)
Prior statements of witnesses, 906.13
Privileges, Ch. 905
  Comment or inference not permitted by judge or before jury, 905.13
  Constitution, recognized only as provided in, 905.01
  Crime victims compensation proceedings, 905.14
  General rule as to witnesses, 905.01
  Honesty testing devices, 905.065
  Interpreter for persons with language difficulties, hearing or speaking impairments, 905.015
  Matter disclosed under compulsion or without opportunity to claim privilege, admissibility, 905.12
  Reports required by statute, 905.02
  Rules adopted by supreme court, recognized only as provided in, 905.01
  Statute, recognized only as provided in, 905.01
  Use of federal tax information, 905.15
  Waiver, by voluntary disclosure, 905.11
Proceedings in foreign courts, 889.15, 889.16
Proof, of publication, 985.12
  Of unrecorded proceedings before judge, 889.14
  Sequential order in criminal trial when 2 pleas, 971.06
Property records, hearsay exception, 908.03 (15)
Psychologist, defined, 905.04 (1)
  Patient privilege, exceptions, 905.04
Public assistance records of municipality prima facie, 49.08
Publication by state, prima facie, 889.01
Public documents, self-authentication, 909.02 (1), (2), (3)
Public records and reports, hearsay exception, 908.03 (8)
Public records, absence of, hearsay exception, 908.03 (10)
  Certified copies, self-authentication, 909.02 (4)
  Contents, 910.05
  Recording and copying by counties, 228.07
  Recording and copying in Milwaukee county, Ch. 228
Public service commission, transcript, hearing, 196.36
Purpose of law, 901.02
Recitals in conveyance or will, 889.19
Recorded recollection, hearsay exception, 908.03 (5)
Recordings, Ch. 910
  Admissibility of other evidence of contents, 910.04
  Defined, 910.01 (1)
  Duplicates, admissibility of, 910.03
  Function of judge and jury, 910.08
  Original required to prove contents, 910.02
  Proved by admission of party against whom used, 910.07
  Remainder of to be introduced, 901.07
  Summaries may be presented, 910.06
  Absence of entry of regularly conducted activity, hearsay exception, 908.03 (7)
  Documents affecting an interest in property, hearsay exception, 908.03 (14)
  Proof of nonexistence, 889.09
  Regularly conducted activity, hearsay exception, 908.03 (6)
  Religious organizations, hearsay exception, 908.03 (11)
Register of deeds, files, records, 889.17
  Records, eminent domain, Milwaukee, 59.56
Relevant, Ch. 904
  Admissible, 904.02
  Compromise and offer to compromise as to claims, 904.08
  Definition, 904.01
  Exclusions, grounds of, 904.03
  Habit of person, 904.06
  Routine practice of organization, 904.06
  Victims of crimes, 904.13
Religious beliefs of witness, not admissible, 906.10
Religious opinions of witness, I, 19
Remedial measures, subsequent, not admissible to prove negligence, 904.07
Reporter's transcript, 889.11
Report, reading by expert, 907.07
  Required by statute privileged, 905.02
Representative of the lawyer, defined, 905.03 (1)
Reputation as to character, hearsay exception, 908.03 (21)
Reputation concerning boundaries or general history, hearsay exception, 908.03 (20)
Reputation concerning personal or family history, hearsay exception, 908.03 (19)
Returns to writs, presumption, 891.37
Revenue stamps, records, 891.08
Routine practice of organization, relevant, 904.06
Rules, applicability of, 911.01
  Inapplicable as to, 911.01
Rulings on, 901.03
Rusk county, transcribed records, 2.07
Sales contract, parol evidence to vary terms, 402.202
  Preservation of evidence of goods in dispute, 402.515
  Proof of market price, 402.723
  Unconscionable, proof of, 402.302 (2)
Sales tax, records or testimony, prosecution of persons producing, 77.61 (12)
Savings and loan association books, copies, 891.24
Savings and loan records, reproductions, 215.26 (4)
School attendance, 118.16 (5), (6)
Scope of law, 901.01
Seal as proof of consideration, 891.27
Secondary against corporation, 885.25