Possession by person previously convicted, 941.29
  Theft, 943.20 (3) (d) 5
Forced viewing of sexual activity, 940.227
Grandchild support, failure, 948.22
Hazing, 948.51
Heir not to have intentionally killed the deceased, 852.01 (2m)
Hit and run, 346.67
Hostages, taking, 940.305
Household products, tampering with, 941.327
Insurance, false claims, 943.395
Interference with officer, 946.41 (2m)
Joint tenant killing other tenant, tenancy severed, 700.17 (2)
Murder, 940.03
Notice of rights to appeal and representation, 973.18
Payments, unlawful receipt to obtain loan for another, 943.62
Peace officer, impersonating, 946.70 (2)
Postconviction motion by defendant, 809.30
Preliminary examination, 970.02 (1) (c), 971.02
Probation, 973.09 (2)
Racketeering activity, 946.84
Reckless homicide, second-degree, 940.06
Rescue personnel, obstructing, 941.37
Revenue dept. employe, battery or threat to, 940.205
  Damage or threat re property, 943.015
Sex crime, duration of control of convict by department, 975.11
Sexual exploitation by therapist, 940.22
Shoplifting, 943.50 (4)
Short-barreled shotgun or short-barreled rifle, restricting ownership, 941.28
Speedy trial, 971.10 (2)
Statute of limitations, 939.74
Theft, retail, 943.50 (4)
Trial, upon information, 967.05
Use of dangerous weapon, 939.63, 943.32
Victims of crimes, intimidation, 940.44 to 940.49
Voting disqualification, III, 2; 6.03 (1)
Witnesses, intimidation, 940.43