Damages, trespass on riparian lands, 29.626
Decoys, nuisances, when, 29.03 (7)
  Archer's license, 29.104
  Nonresident, 29.117
  Car kills, 29.06 (1), 29.40 (1), (5)
  Farms authorized, license, 29.578
  Farms, license fees, 29.092 (9)
  License period, 29.093 (9)
  Group hunting, 29.405
  Heads and skins, possession, 29.40
  Home consumption, 29.40
  Hunters, back tag, 29.22 (3)
  Hunting by practitioners of Winnebago religion, 29.106
  Hunting, color of clothing, 29.22 (2)
  Hunting license, restrictions, 29.093 (2)
  Tags, 29.105
  Kind may be possessed, tags on, 29.40
  Nonresident hunting license, 29.113
  Safe disposal where causing damage to land, 167.34
  Shining, 29.245 (3)
  Special permits, 29.107
  Transportation, 29.45
  Venison serving permits, 29.578 (14)
  Effective period, 29.093 (9)
  Fees, 29.092 (9)
Definition of terms, 29.01
Deleterious substances, forbidden, 29.29
Department, powers, 29.05
  Regulates hunting and fishing in interstate waters, 29.085
Detrimental fish, control, 29.623
Devices, nuisances, enumeration, 29.03
Disabled persons,
  Fishing license, permanent, 29.145 (1c)
  Fishing license exemption, 29.145 (1)
  Hunting permits, 29.09 (9), 29.093 (2) (cr), 29.104 (4)
  Special hunting seasons for, 29.174 (2) (f)
Dogs, nuisances, when, 29.03 (8)
  Training hunting, 29.255
  When may be killed, 29.05 (8)
Drag net, seine, description, 29.336 (3)
Driving by snowmobiles prohibited, exception, 350.07
Drop net, description, 29.336 (1) (b)
Duck potato, wild celery, removal prohibited, 29.54 (2)
Duck stamp, 29.102
Duplicates, for license, permit, certificate or card, 29.09 (4)
Dynamite, use prohibited, 29.29, 29.60
Eggs, destruction forbidden, 29.42
Employes of department, unlawful fishing, 29.51 (5)
Endangered resources, income tax check-off, 71.10
Endangered species permit, 29.093 (10)
Endangered species protected, 29.415
Equipment, possession in certain counties, 29.286
Explosives, or stupefactives, forbidden, 29.29
False impersonation of warden, 29.641
Family fishing licenses, 29.14
Farms, bird and animal, 29.574, 29.586
  Deer, 29.578, 29.586
  Fur, 29.575
  Game, license regulations, 29.572
  Pheasant and quail, 29.573
Fees, issuing, 29.092 (15)
  Schedule for fishing and wildlife licenses and approvals, 29.092
Fences, deer farm, 29.578
Ferrets, nuisance, when, 29.03 (9)
  Assault on game warden, 29.64
  Bird and animal farms, trespass, 29.574
  Deer farm violation, 29.578
  Fur dealers' regulations, violation, 29.134
  Game or game fish, serving, 29.49
  Violation of ch. 29, 29.995
Fish census, cooperation during, 29.51 (7)
Fish dealer license, wholesale, 29.135
Fish, civil actions for unlawful taking, destruction, or possession, 29.65
  Defined, 29.01 (3)
  Lines, nuisance when, 29.03 (2)
  Markets, wholesale, license, 29.135
  Permit for management in private lake, 29.513
  Season open on Saturday, 29.174 (2)
  Transportation, 29.47
  Traps, limit, 29.286
Fishing, American Indians, 29.025
  Defined, 29.01 (3)
  Interference with prohibited, 29.223
  Penalty, 29.99 (11r)
  Licenses, 29.09, 29.14, 29.145