Nonmoving violations, 345.28
  Nonpayment, 345.49
  Occupational license restrictions, violating, 343.10
  Operating vehicle after suspension, 344.47
  Operation without license, 342.05 (4)
  Operators, financial responsibility offenses, 344.45 to 344.47
  Owner's failure to deliver certificate to secured party requesting, 342.23 (4)
  Permits to be carried, violations, 348.28
  Permitting unauthorized person to drive, 343.45 (3)
  Plates, illegible, failure to destroy, 341.16 (4)
  Unattached, illegible, 341.15 (3)
  Registration by minors, violations, 341.08 (6)
  Rented vehicles, safety responsibility violations, 344.51 (3)
  Renting vehicle, violations, 343.46 (4)
  Rustproofing warranties, violations, 100.205 (8)
  Size and load limitations, violations, 348.11
  Snowmobiles, violation of regulations, 350.11
  Stored and unidentified, failing to report, 342.31 (2)
  Suspension of registration, failure to return plates, 341.63 (3)
  Traffic officer profiting from arrest, 345.55 (2)
  Transfer of interest, violations, 342.15 (5) to (7)
  Unattached identification number, 342.30 (3)
  Unregistered or improperly registered, 341.04
  Used in felony, 973.075 to 973.077
  Venue in traffic violation actions, 345.31
  Weight limits, violations, 348.21
Municipal, belong to municipality, 778.10
  Outstanding unpaid, refuse to issue license or permit, 66.117
  Recovery, to whom paid, 778.10
Municipal judge, neglect of duty as to, 778.18
  Pay to local treasurer, 778.14
  When sued for, 778.14
Mutual savings and loan associations, compensation for organizing, 215.40 (12)
National guardsman, abusing or molesting, 21.17 (3)
  Mustered out, retaining property, 21.63
Natural resources forfeiture actions,
Navigable waters, obstructing, 30.15, 31.23
Nonmoving traffic violations, recovery, 778.103
Notary's records, destruction or nonfiling, 137.01 (7)
Nursing homes, 50.04 (5)
Oil inspection law, violations, 168.15
Parking in capitol driveways, 16.843 (2)
Pawnbroker, excessive interest or charge, 138.10 (6)
Payment to county treasurer, 778.15
Penalty when none expressed, 939.61
Person operating metal recovery system, books not kept, 107.12
Pheasant and quail farms, violations, 29.573
Phosphates, cleaning agents and water conditioners containing, sales violation, 100.28 (3)
Pigeon, homing, taking or interference, 29.256
Plaintiffs in action for, 778.04
Platting lands, improper recording, 236.30
Platting ordinance violations, 236.31 (2)
Pollution, 144.99
Prepaid maintenance liens, violations of law, 779.94
Price discrimination with intent to destroy competition, 133.04 (3)
Private fish hatcheries, trespass, 29.52 (11)
Program and segregated revenue sufficiency, failure to report or plan, 16.513 (5)
Property derived from crime and certain vehicles, 973.075 to 973.077
Property forfeited to state, recovery, 778.19
Protection of forest lands, violations of ch. 26, 26.98
Public lands, nonpayment for, 24.28
Public property, records, nondelivery, 19.21
Public records, capricious denial to request, enforcement, 19.37 (4)
Public service corporation, illegal securities, 184.09
Public utilities, 196.44, 196.66
Pupil discrimination, 118.13 (4)
Quo warranto to oust from office, 784.04
Radiation protection act, 140.60
Radioactive waste, low-level interstate compact, violations, 16.12
Railroad bridge, charter, 86.22
Railroad crossing law violations, 195.29 (6)
Railroad fences, interference with, 192.35
  Connecting with other roads, failure, 192.27
  Failing to carry medical supplies, 195.25
  Fire protection devices, 26.20 (9)
  General for ch. 192, 192.54
  Offenses, 192.54, 192.55
  Violating crossing speed order, 192.29 (1)
  Wrecks or derailments, failure to clear right-of-way, 190.085
Railroad wrecks or derailments, failure to clear right-of-way, 190.085
Rams, running at large, 172.08
Reassessments, appointees' neglect, 70.83
Refusal to aid village marshal, 61.28
Rental unit energy efficiency, 101.122
  Municipal or county ordinance, 66.12 (1) (b), 778.105
  State, 59.20 (5), (8), (8m)
Room tax, municipalities can impose to enforce, 66.75 (2)