Secret rebates and unfair trade practices, 133.05 (4)
Security by plaintiff for costs, 778.04
Sewage plants, law violations, 144.05 (1)
Sheriff acting as attorney, 59.26
Soil and water conservation, 92.11
Solid waste disposal, transportation through town, 60.54
State employes ethics code, 19.53 (6)
State, forest nursery stock, illegal use, 28.06 (5)
  Recovered by elections board, 778.135
  To whom paid, 778.13
Statement to county board, payment to state, 778.17
Statistics, failure of clerks to report, 69.69
Street trades offenses, 103.29, 103.30
Tax evasion, personalty, penalty, 70.36
Taxidermists, license violations, 29.136
Teachers, discrimination in hiring, 118.20
Telecommunications utilities, discrimination, 196.625
Telephone party lines, refusal to surrender in emergency, 941.35
Town officers, duty as to, 778.11
Traffic regulations, violations, recovery, 778.103
Transmission facilities, regulation of interference with, violation, 182.0175 (3)
Transmission lines on highways, 86.16 (4)
Treasurer's neglect of duty, 778.16
Trespass to land, 943.13
Tuberculosis sanatoriums, refusal of free access, 149.07
Ultralight aircraft, failure to display identification number, 114.195 (3)
Unclaimed cooperative funds, 185.03 (10)
University regents, rules for management of property, violations, 36.11 (1) (c)
U. S. structures in waters, county ordinance, violation, 59.07 (46)
Vehicle illegally crossing controlled school crossing, owner's liability, 346.49 (1m)
Vehicle inspection regulations, violation, 110.075 (7)
Victims of crimes, charged unreasonable attorney's fees, 949.14
Warehouse keepers and grain dealers, violation of regulation law, 127.17 (4)
Waste from stands on highways, 80.65
Water pollution, violations, 144.99
Wire or oral communications, contraband devices, 968.32
Wires over railroads in violation of electrical code, 182.018 (3)
Worker's compensation:
  Discrimination against employes, 102.35 (2)
  Records, reports, not kept, falsified, 102.35
  Unlawful attorney fees, 102.26 (4)