american indiansAMERICAN INDIANS
Antiquities, field archaeology, 44.47
Assistance from dept. of administration, 16.06
  Abused or neglected, reports, 48.981
  Custody, 48.028, 822.015
Cigarette tax:
  Agreements with tribes, 139.325
  Inspection of records of retailers, 139.38 (7)
  Refunds to tribes, 139.323
Conservation code enforcement, 29.05 (1v)
Deer hunting by practitioners of Winnebago religion, 29.106
Drug abuse prevention allocation, 46.71
Economic liaison program, 560.87
Education, American Indian language and culture, 115.28 (17), 115.71 to 115.75
Extradition agreements with state, 976.07
Families with dependent children, recovery of benefits, 49.195 (4)
Food stamp employment and training program, 49.124
Food stamps:
  Offenses, 49.127
  Recovery of, overpayment, 49.125
Gaming compacts, 14.035
Grant diversion program, 49.048
Groundwater protection, dept. to cooperate with, 160.36
Home school coordinators, 115.745
Hospitalization, rates, 142.07 (3)
Indian rights day, 895.23
Libraries, composition of boards in tribal governments, 43.54 (1)
Loan funds, supervision, 224.10
Medical assistance program, incorrect payments, recovery, 49.497
  Assets in guardianships, transfer to trust, 880.195
  Income tax, 71.05, 71.26 (1)
Menominee Enterprises, Inc., bond acquisition, 49.70
Mental hygiene services to, 46.70
Motor vehicles owned by:
  Fees, 341.26 (2m)
  Reciprocal registration exemption, 341.05 (22), 341.409
  Special plates, 341.14 (3)
Mounds and remains, tax exemption, 70.11 (20)
Needy, relief, 49.046, 49.123
Public assistance, 49.19
  Assignment of injury claims by recipient, 49.65
  County-tribal law enforcement programs, 59.07 (141), 165.90
  Wildlife protection, 29.475
Revenue bonding for residential facilities, 46.28
Sale of public lands to, 24.09
Social services to, 46.70
Spearfishing, law enforcement aid program, 29.599
Student assistance, 39.38
Transit commissions, federally recognized tribes may participate, 59.967 (10), 66.943 (10)
Tribal council, direct grants of state funds to, 20.002 (13)
Tribal court, records, orders and judgments, full faith and credit, 806.245
Tribal economic development projects, 49.049
Tribal orders and injunctions, domestic abuse, 813.12 (9)
Tribal traffic laws, repeated violations, 343.32 (2) (a)
Tribal vital records and court orders, 69.035
University of Wis. law school, Great Lakes Indian law program, 36.25 (21m)
Welfare fraud investigation and reduction and error reduction, 49.197
Work experience program, 49.047