Abolishment of court, 755.01 (2)
Actions to be in municipal court, 778.015
Adjournment, caused by vacancy, 755.16
  Costs and fees, 814.65 (5)
  Costs awarded, 814.08
  Fees of clerk of court, 814.61 (8)
  From municipal court decisions, 800.14
Attorney fees, 814.65 (3)
Authority to arrest without a warrant, 800.02 (6)
Branches, municipality may establish, 755.01 (3)
Children's code proceedings, jurisdiction, concurrent, ordinance violation, 48.17 (2)
  Amendment, 800.025
  Form, 800.02 (2)
Civil action, 800.02 (1)
Clerks, appointment, salary, 755.10
Community service work order, 800.09 (1)
  Amendment, 800.025
  Form, 800.02 (3)
Contempt procedure, 785.06, 800.12
Continuance caused by vacancy, 755.15, 755.16
Costs and fees, 800.10
  Costs, 814.65 (1)
  Where held, 755.09
Courtroom decorum, 755.17
Creation of court, 755.01
Default judgment, 800.04 (2m)
Depositions, when taken, 887.20
Deposits, 800.01 (3), 800.04
Discovery, 800.07
Docket and transcript entries, 800.11
Docketing judgments, 806.12
Drunk drivers, license suspensions, 349.03 (2m), 349.06 (1m)
Failure to appear, judgment, 800.09
Fees, 814.65
Forfeiture actions, malfeasance of judge, 778.18
Guardian ad litem, appointment by courts, 755.01 (5)
Initial appearance, 800.04
Interpreters, fees, 814.65 (2)
  Assignment by chief justice, 751.03
  Bond, 755.03
  Continuing judicial education, 755.18
  Illness, absence or vacancy, 800.06
  Malfeasance in forfeiture actions, 778.18
  Marriages, may solemnize, 765.16 (6)
  Multiple resignations, 17.015
  Oath, 755.03
  Papers, 755.11
  Presiding, unable to proceed, procedure, 751.03 (4)
  Salary, 755.04
  Substitution, 800.05
  Temporary reserve judges, service, 800.065
  Term, 755.02
Judgment, 800.09
  Relief from, 800.115
Jurisdiction, 755.045
  Territorial, 755.05
List of judges certified to secretary of state, 59.395 (4)
Noncompliance with work order, further proceedings, 800.095
Nonpayment of judgment, further proceedings, 800.095
Not a court of record, 755.01 (1), 800.13 (2)
  Where kept, 755.09
  With attorney forbidden, 755.09 (3)
Operating privilege, suspension, 800.09 (1)
Ordinance to create court, 755.01
Partner not to practice before, 755.09 (3)
Pending actions to circuit court, 755.15
Personal jurisdiction, 800.01 (1)
Plea of guilty, judgment, 800.09
Plea of no contest prior to the initial appearance, 800.03
Pretrial conference, 800.04 (1)
Recording in court, 800.13
Records and books, delivery to municipal clerk, 755.12 to 755.14
Relief from judgment, 800.115
Restitution order, 755.045 (3), 800.093
Service, 800.01 (2)
Sessions of court, 755.06
Statutes and official documents for judge, 35.85 (3)
Stipulation of guilt, 800.04
Subpoena, jurisdictional extent, 885.04
Summons form, 800.02 (4), 800.095 (2)
Tavern, court not held in, 755.09 (2)
Temporary reserve judges, service, 800.065