Judgment against, how collected, 66.09
Junked automobiles, storage permit, 175.25
Land gifts, relief from conditions, 66.27
Landing and take-off strips, 114.11 to 114.151
  Acquired for airports, 114.33
  Acquisition for industrial promotion, 66.52
  For military purposes, transfer, 21.612
  Leasing for recreational purposes, 23.305
Laterals, service pipes, cost, 66.625
Law enforcement agency policies on use of force and citizen complaint procedures, 66.312
Lead poisoning control system, 151.11
Lease to a subdivision association land accepted for park, 236.29 (3)
Lease wharf privileges, 30.30 (8)
Leave of absence, military service, 45.51
Legal notices:
  Posting, procedure, 985.02
  Publication in official newspaper, 985.05 (1)
Libraries, 43.52
  Exemption from county tax, 43.64 (2)
License or permit, refuse to issue if outstanding unpaid forfeitures, 66.117
License tax on motor carriers and urban transit companies prohibited, 76.54
Lien of special assessment, 66.604
Limitation of actions, exception to rule, 893.33 (5)
Liquor, license law, Ch. 125
Liquor stores prohibited, 125.09 (6)
Loans to power districts, 198.17 (8)
Local government property insurance fund, Ch. 605
Managed forest land, 77.80 to 77.91
Mass transit operating assistance program, 85.20
Mass transit ways, 349.22
Meat and poultry inspection regulations, 97.42 (5)
Medical waste incinerator fees, 66.35
Meetings open to public, 19.81 to 19.98
Memorial corporations formed under 1919 act, 45.052
Metropolitan sewerage district commission levies, 66.91 (6)
Metropolitan sewerage districts,
Military purposes, transfer land for, 21.612
  Local impact committee, 144.838
  Tax distribution and apportionment, 70.395, 70.396
  Water diversion or withdrawal, 144.855
Mob or riot damage, liability, 66.091
Mobile home parks:
  As agent for administration dept., 16.366, 50.535
  License fees, distribution, 66.058 (8)
  Regulation, 66.058
Mobile homes:
  Parking fees by municipalities, 66.0585
  Tax exemption, 70.111 (19)
Monuments and memorials, 45.05, 45.055
  Designated areas, 30.773
  Regulations, permits, 30.772
Mopeds and motor bicycles, regulation and registration, 349.18
Mortgage housing assistance, 66.38
Motor carriers, when to get consent of, 194.33
Motor fuel tax not to be levied by, 78.82
Motor vehicles:
  Abandonment, disposal, 342.40
  Municipal liability, 345.05
  Reports may be required, 349.19
  Lock requirement, 66.95
  Registration fee, 341.35
  Registration plates, display, 341.15 (1)
  Regulation authority, 349.06
  Regulation restricted, 349.03
Motorcycle recreational program, 23.09 (25)
Natural gas, authorization, 196.58 (6)
Navigable waters, permits for enclosing, 30.196
Navigable waters protection law, 144.26
Navigation aids, limited jurisdiction for administration and enforcement, 30.745
Negligence actions, notice of claim, limitation of damages, 893.80
Neighborhood watch signs, 66.046 (2)
New elective office, filling, 17.245
Newspaper, official, 985.05
Nonintoxicating beverages, license, 66.053 (1)
Nonmetallic mining reclamation, 66.038
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement, financial assistance program, 144.25
Notice of claim against, 893.90
Nuisance, action to abate, 823.01, 823.02
Oak Creek law, 66.012
Offensive industry, location, regulation, 66.052
Office, combination, 66.192
  Ethics code, 19.59
  Stadium discounts for officials prohibited, 19.451
  Municipal utility, malfeasance, 196.68