Cooperation, among departments, 23.09 (3)
Copies of records, to governor, 23.13
Copper Culture Mounds state park, development, 27.011
County forests, 28.10, 28.11
  Grants for development of habitat, 23.09 (17m)
Creation, 15.34
Credit card use charges, 23.49
Damages, operation of public hunting and fishing grounds, 29.555
  Abandoned removed, 31.187 (1)
  Approval or consent, 31.38
  Fees to be charged by department for regulation permits and approvals, 31.39
  Financial aid program, 31.385
  In Brule river, 31.30
  In nonnavigable waters, 31.33
  Inspection of, 31.19
  In Wolf river, 30.25
  Milwaukee river, removal, 31.307
  Order emergency repair, 31.18
  Permits to abandon, 31.185
  Plans, submission to department, 31.12
  Proof of ability to maintain required, 31.14, 710.11
  Regulation, 31.02, 31.04 to 31.09
  Removal, opportunity for hearing, 31.253
  Transfer of dam permits, approval, 31.21
Deer farms,
Deer hunter's bonus permits, 29.1075
Deer hunter's special permits, 29.107
Deposits in navigable waters, prohibitions, exceptions, 30.12
Diversion of water for mining, 144.855
Diversion of water from lakes and streams, powers, duties, 30.18
Dogs, training hunting, 29.255
Donations of land, 23.09 (2p)
  Matching funds for land acquisition, 23.09 (2p) (b), (c)
Drainage law, 88.31
Dredge disposal in and near Mississippi, St. Croix and Black rivers by U.S. corps of engineers, 30.202
Duck stamp, 29.102
Duties, 23.09 (2)
Easements, acquisition, 23.09 (10)
Electric utilities proposals to construct bulk generating facilities:
  Advance plan, file, 196.491 (2) (b)
  Department to provide listing of permits needed, 196.491 (2m)
  Near waterways, optional permit procedure, 30.025
Emergency order, water resources conservation and management, 144.026 (7)
Endangered species list, establish, 29.415
Environment, release of genetically engineered organisms into, 146.60
Environmental consulting costs for federal licensing of power projects, 23.42
Environmental impact:
  Governmental consideration of, 1.11, 23.40, 144.833 (6)
  Solid waste disposal facility, 144.44
  When requirement, 23.11 (5)
Environmental pollution:
  Complaints, hearings, review, 144.975
  Regulatory actions, exemption, 147.30
Environmental repair:
  Generators, fee, 144.442 (1m)
  Inventory, response plan, action, 144.442
Facilities on state-owned land, accept donation, 23.09 (2) (n)
Farm and craft museum at Nelson Dewey state park, develop, 44.12
Farm drainage ditch, removal of material from, 30.20 (1) (c)
Financial assistance to municipalities and school districts for water pollution prevention, 144.21
Fire wardens, emergency, employment, 26.12 (3)
  Safety program, certificate of accomplishment, 29.225, 29.226
  Seized, state crime laboratories to turn over to, 968.20 (3)
Fish, control of detrimental, 29.623
Fish and game:
  County projects, state aids, 23.09 (12)
  Hotline for violations of law, 29.055
  Police power, 29.05
  Refuges, 23.09 (2)
Fish census, cooperation during, 29.51 (7)
Fish crib, permit issued to install, 30.12 (3)
Fish hatcheries:
  Municipal, duties as to, 29.536
  Private, licenses, 29.52
  State, 29.51 (1), 29.511
Fish markets, wholesale, licenses to furnish, 29.135
  Boundary waters, 29.085
  Commercial licenses, adopt regulations, 29.33 (1)
  Rafts, regulation, 30.126
  Unlawful, by dept. employes, 29.51 (5)
  Waiver of license requirement for special events, 29.155
Flood control act, 87.02
  Final findings, 87.07 (3)
  Hearing, findings, 87.05
  Special procedure for projects, 87.075
Floodplain and shoreland mapping assistance program, administration, sunset, 87.31