Lost or destroyed will, 856.17
  Will, where uncontested, 856.15
Removal of personal representative, 856.23
Safekeeping of will by court, 856.03
Special administrator, appointment, if appointment of personal representative delayed, 856.27
Suppressing or secreting will information, penalty, 856.05 (3)
Testamentary trust, letters of trust issued to trustee, 856.29
Uncontested will, proof, 856.15
Who entitled to notice, 856.11
Who may petition for administration, 856.07
  Admission to probate, 856.19
  Lost or destroyed, how proved, 856.17
  Must be proved, 856.13
  None competent in state, other testimony, 856.15 (5)
  Uncontested will, 856.15 (1)
probate - 14. personal representatives14. Personal Representatives
Generally Ch. 857

Accounts, render, 857.03
Alcohol sales, 125.06 (7)
Allowances for expenses and services, 857.05
Allowances to family during administration, 861.31
Appeal from court, 879.27
Appointment, delayed, special administrator appointed, 856.27
  Corporate fiduciary, selection of attorney, 856.31
  For estate and executor, fees, 857.05 (3)
  Removal for delay, 857.09
Augmented marital property state, procedure for electing, 861.11
Bond, 856.25
  Action on, 878.07
  Additional or reduction, 878.05
  Not required on appeal, 879.27 (5)
  Sum paid for allowed as costs, 857.07
Business, continuation by court order, 857.25
Business property by holding spouse, management and control, 857.015
Compensation, 857.05 (2)
Completion of estates to be prompt, 863.33
Compromise of claims permitted, 859.31
Compromise of controversy, 879.59
Contested claims, procedure, 859.33
  Appointment as, 223.10
  May form, 857.27
  Allowances, 857.07
  Order to appear, 857.11
Creditors, rights not affected by continuation of business, 857.25 (2)
  Appointment of successor, 857.21
  Powers of survivor, 857.13
  Rights and powers of successor, 857.23
Deferred employment benefit plan, notification of spouse on proceeds, 857.35
Deferred marital property, control, 857.01
Discharge, 863.47
Discovery proceedings, 879.61
Dismissal for delay, 857.09
Disqualification, 856.23
Distribution, make, 857.03
Dormant estates, procedure, 857.09, 863.35
Duties, 857.03
  Medical records of deceased practitioner, 857.035
Estate tax, personal liability, 72.21
Expenses, allowances for, 857.05 (1)
Failure to perform, removal, 857.09
Fees, 857.05
Fiduciary responsibilities, uniform fiduciaries act, Ch. 112
Immunity from liability, 857.31
Income from estate, 857.03
Information on claims to persons interested, 859.29
Information on inventory to persons interested, 858.03
Inventory, filing, when, contents, 858.01
Inventory estate, 857.03
Investments, Ch. 219, Ch. 881
Jurisdiction, claims against, 801.05 (12)
Letters entitled to, 856.21
Life insurance, notification of spouse on proceeds, 857.35
Manage estate, 857.03
Marital property:
  Confirmation of survivorship interest, 865.201
  Exchange of interests between surviving spouse and distributee, 857.03 (2), 863.08
  Expenses, distribution, 857.04
  Petition to determine classification, management and control relief, 857.01
  Presumptions, 858.01
Medical records of deceased practitioner, 857.035
Neglect of duty, 857.10
Order to appear, costs, 857.11
Order to file inventory, 858.05