Not to have intentionally killed the deceased, exception provision, 853.11 (3m)
Bond of personal representative, 856.25
Capacity to make or revoke, 853.01
Child omitted by mistake, 853.25
Children born or adopted after, 853.25
Codicil, may alter or revoke, 853.11
Condemnation award, non-ademption, 853.35 (4)
  After-acquired property, 853.29
  Doctrine of equitable election, 853.15
  Non-ademption of specific gifts in certain cases, 853.35
  Securities construed as specific gifts, 853.33, 853.35 (6)
  Testator's entire interest passes, 853.31
  When contractual, 853.13
Contractual, when, 853.13
Court announce possession, deliver, 856.03
Death of beneficiary, rights of issue, 853.27
Deferred marital property, election, equitable election doctrine, 853.15 (1)
Delivery to court after death, 856.05
Dependent relative revocation, 853.11 (5)
Deposit with register of probate, 853.09
Divorce, automatic revocation, 853.11 (3)
Equitable election if will disposes of property belonging to beneficiary, 853.15
  Outside the state, 853.05
  Nonresidents within this state, 853.05
  Witnesses, 853.03, 853.07
Foreign executed, 853.05
  How construed, 853.31
  Non-ademption of specific in certain cases, 853.35
  Securities construed as specific, 853.33, 853.35 (6)
  When advancement, valuation, 853.19
  When not to lapse, 853.27
Insurance on property, proceeds, non-ademption, 853.35 (2)
Inter vivos gifts, when advancement, 853.19
Issue, unintentional failure to provide for, 853.25
Joint wills, 853.13
Lapse statute, 853.27
Life insurance, effect of will provision changing beneficiary, 853.17
Marriage, subsequent, may revoke, 853.11 (2)
Non-ademption of specific gifts, 853.35
Nonresidents execution, within this state, 853.05
Opened by court, delivery, 856.03
  Lost or destroyed, 856.17
  Necessary to pass estate, 856.13
  Outside county, 856.15 (2) to (4)
  Where uncontested, 856.15
Property, sale proceeds, non-ademption, 853.35 (3)
Proxy signing, requirements, 853.03
Requirements of execution, 853.03
Revival of revoked instrument, 853.11 (6)
Revocation, 853.01, 853.11
Safekeeping in court, 856.03
  Construed as specific gifts, 853.33, 853.35 (6)
  Definition, 853.35 (6)
  Non-ademption, 853.35 (6)
Specific gifts:
  Non-ademption in certain cases, 853.35
  Recovery reduced by expenses and taxes, 853.35 (7)
  Securities construed as, 853.33, 853.35 (6)
Suppressing or secreting, penalty, 856.05 (3)
Uncontested, proof, 856.15
Who may make or revoke, 853.01
Witnesses, 853.03, 853.07