Tax, personalty, assessment, 70.21, 70.22
Trust company:
  As executor, 223.03 (7) to (9)
  Foreign, as executor, 223.12
probate - 2. accounts2. Accounts
Generally Ch. 862

Additional as required, 862.01
Chargeable to personal representative, 862.05
Charges and losses, 862.07
Copy to be given to persons interested, 862.11
Deceased personal representative, 862.03 (2)
Examination of personal representative, under oath, 862.15
Failure of personal representative to file, 862.17
Gains or losses, show, 862.07
Hearing on settlement, 862.09
Income, show, 862.07
Incompetent personal representative, 862.03 (1)
Itemize property available for distribution, 862.07
Notice of hearing on settlement, waiver, 862.09
Objections, 862.13
Payments, show, 862.07
Removed personal representatives, 862.03 (3)
Settlement, 862.15
Value at which to account, 862.07
What to contain, 862.07
When personal representative shall account, 862.01
probate - 3. actions concerning estates3. Actions Concerning Estates
Administration account as evidence, 777.26
Allegation of representative capacity, 891.32
Burden of proof, against heirs, 777.19
Cause against heir, legatee, survives, 777.42
Charges made by will unaffected by ch. 777, 777.29
Choses, when charged to executor, 777.14
  Between heirs, 777.20
  Between legatees, devisees, 777.21
Costs and fees, 814.14, 857.07
Damages against executor, measure of, 895.02
Declaratory judgment, 806.04 (4)
Defenses by heirs, legatees, 777.38 to 777.40
Discharge of one defendant by payment, 777.22
  Action against, limitation, conditions, 777.17
  Liability, 777.08
  May prosecute, have execution, etc., 777.06
Executor of executor, authority limited, 777.07
Foreign executors, prosecute and defend, 777.16
Fraudulent conveyance by decedent, recovery, 859.41
Heirs, parties defendant, 777.18, 813.026
Inventory as evidence, 777.14
  Against executor does not bind realty, 777.05
  Certified to circuit court, 777.06
  When satisfied out of real property, 777.32
Legatees, devisees, heirs, actions against, 777.18 to 777.42, 813.026
Liability of heirs, legatees, order of, limit, 777.28
  Action against executors, 777.17
  Claim against decedent or estate, 893.93 (1) (c)
  Claims in circuit court, 893.03
  Surviving actions, 893.22
Posthumous children, rights, liabilities, 777.41
Preference in payment of debts, 777.36
  Estate sold by guardian, limitation, 786.50
  From heirs, legatees, 777.18 to 777.42
  Property fraudulently sold by decedent, 859.41
Service of summons on executors, 777.03
Survival of actions, 895.01 to 895.04
  Limitations, 893.22
Survival statutes apply, 777.01
Tort, cause of action against decedent, 859.45
Witnesses to will, rights, liabilities, 777.41
Wrongful death actions, 895.01 to 895.04
probate - 4. ancillary procedures4. Ancillary Procedures
Generally Ch. 868

  Agent for service of process, 868.03 (5)
  Uniform act, 868.03
Bond, 868.03 (4)
Claims against estates, 868.03 (9) to (11)
Foreign wills:
  Certificate or assignment, 868.05
  Uniform act, 868.01
Letters, denial, 868.03 (3)
probate - 5. bonds5. Bonds
Generally Ch. 878

Action on, 878.07
  Defense, 878.13