Pesticides, distribution and sale, 94.707
Pilot projects for the uninsured, 146.90
Polychlorinated biphenyls, manufacture and purchase prohibited, exceptions, 144.79
Primary care program, indigent, 146.93
Primary health care services grants, 140.03
Privy, servicing, regulations, 146.20
Public places, clean and sanitary, 146.05
Pure food laws,
Quarantine and isolation, 143.05
Restaurants, 50.55
Rubbish, removal by municipality, 66.049
Sanitarians, qualifications, duties, registration, 140.45
Senior companion and retired senior volunteers, programs, 46.85
Septic tank servicing, regulations, 146.20
Sexually transmitted diseases, 143.07
Solid waste disposal, regulation, 144.30 to 144.46
State care programs, hospital assessments, 146.99
State health insurance program, 146.90
Sudden infant death syndrome:
  Autopsy, 979.03
  Department to provide information, 146.026
Sweeping regulations, 146.09
Tissue, use, service and not a sale, 146.31
Tourist lodgings, regulation, 50.55 to 50.57
Town sanitary districts, 60.70 to 60.792,4,5-T and silvex, collection and disposal, 144.788
Typhoid carriers, commitment, 143.14
Upholstering, regulation, 146.04
Vending machine operations, 50.55
Wounds and burns, reporting requirements, 146.995
X-ray shoe-fitting machines, 941.34