Patient records in mediation panel confidential, except, 655.58 (4)
Peace officers' records:
  Drug and alcohol use:
  Access to by schools, 48.396 (1m)
  Use by schools, 118.127
Penalty, capricious denial to access, 19.37 (4)
Personal information protection:
Generally 19.62 to 19.80

  Attorney general, to prepare summary of related law, 19.77
  Challenges of records, corrections, 19.365
  Computer matching limited, 19.69
  Data and collection verification, 19.67
  Definitions, 19.62
  Employe conduct and training, 19.65
  Joint committee on information policy, 13.58
  Penalties, 19.80
  Privacy advocate:
  Access to records, 19.75
  Appointment, powers and duties, 19.63
  Privacy council:
  Created, 15.107 (13)
  Powers and duties, 19.625
  Sale of names and addresses, limits, 19.71
Personnel commission, open records, confidentiality, 230.45
Personnel records open to employe, 103.13 (2)
Petit jurors, lists, open records, 756.04 (2) (c)
Photographic reproductions, 16.61
Policy declaration, 19.31
Poll lists, 6.46
Populous counties, Ch. 228
Presentence investigation reports, confidential, exception, 972.15 (4)
Preservation, 16.61
  During states of emergency, 166.10
Procedural information, notice, 19.34
Product liability insurance reports, 601.425
Public assistance:
  Inspection, 46.206, 49.53
  Recipients' bill of rights, 49.001
Public employe trust fund records, closed, exceptions, 40.07
Public land commissioners, open records, 24.54 (2)
Public library circulation records, disclosure, 43.30
Public service commission, exception, 196.14
Public utility holding companies, business information, prosecution of, 196.795 (9)
Pupil records, confidentiality, 118.125
Rebinding and transcribing, 59.71
Recording and copying by counties, Ch. 228
Redevelopment authority, open records and preservation of records, 66.431 (5) (a) 5
Regional and county depositories, 44.10
Register of deeds, access to records, 59.14 (3), (4)
Reproduction deemed original, when, 16.61 (7), (8)
Requirements for conveyances, 706.05
Roster of classified civil service, 230.04 (12)
Sales tax, inspection restricted, 77.61 (5)
  Health insurance records, limited release, 120.13 (2)
  Records of receipts and expenditures, inspection at meetings, 120.11 (4)
Sexual exploitation by a therapist, confidentiality, 940.22
Sexually transmitted diseases, confidential, 143.07 (7)
Snowmobile fatalities, blood specimens, 350.155 (2)
State officer, may require search, free copies, 19.25
Statute of limitations on actions involving, 893.90 (2)
Suitable book kept for purpose, 990.01 (36)
Taped recordings of local public meetings, destruction, 19.21 (7)
Time for compliance and procedures upon request for records, 19.35 (4)
Trade secrets, access and withholding, 19.36 (5)
Transfer to historical society, 19.23
Unclaimed property, open records, 177.18, 177.23
University regents' records, 36.07 (6)
Used oil fuel, records, confidentiality, 144.52
Veterans, free search and copies, 59.575
Victims of crimes, statement re pardon application, closed record, 304.10 (3)
Vital records:
  Copies of, 69.21
  Disclosure of information from, 69.20
Vocational, technical and adult education district boards, proceedings, open records, 38.12 (4)
Voter registration lists, 6.45
Water pollution data, 147.08 (2)
Withholding access, 19.36